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itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack Class Reference

LinearSystemWrapper class that uses Itpack numeric library functions to define and solve a sparse linear system of equations. More...

#include <itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef LinearSystemWrapperItpack Self
typedef LinearSystemWrapper Superclass
typedef ItpackSparseMatrix MatrixRepresentation
typedef std::vector< MatrixRepresentationMatrixHolder
typedef double * VectorRepresentation
typedef std::vector< VectorRepresentationVectorHolder

Public Member Functions

void SetMaximumNumberIterations (int i)
int GetMaximumNumberIterations ()
int GetErrorReportingLevel ()
void SetCommunicationSwitch (int i)
int GetCommunicationSwitch ()
int GetOutputNumber ()
void SetSymmetricMatrixFlag (int i)
int GetSymmetricMatrixFlag ()
void SetAdaptiveSwitch (int i)
int GetAdaptiveSwitch ()
void SetAdaptiveCaseSwitch (int i)
int GetAdaptiveCaseSwitch ()
void SetWorkspaceUsed (int i)
int GetWorkspaceUsed ()
void SetRedBlackOrderingSwitch (int i)
int GetRedBlackOrderingSwitch ()
void SetRemoveSwitch (int i)
int GetRemoveSwitch ()
void SetTimingSwitch (int i)
int GetTimingSwitch ()
void SetErrorAnalysisSwitch (int i)
int GetErrorAnalysisSwitch ()
void SetAccuracy (double i)
double GetAccuracy ()
void SetLargestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate (double i)
double GetLargestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate ()
void SetSmallestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate (double i)
double GetSmallestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate ()
void SetDampingFactor (double i)
double GetDampingFactor ()
void SetOverrelaxationParameter (double i)
double GetOverrelaxationParameter ()
void SetEstimatedSpectralRadiusSSOR (double i)
double GetEstimatedSpectralRadiusSSOR ()
void SetEstimatedSpectralRadiusLU (double i)
double GetEstimatedSpectralRadiusLU ()
void SetTolerance (double i)
double GetTolerance ()
void SetTimeToConvergence (double i)
double GetTimeToConvergence ()
void SetTimeForCall (double i)
double GetTimeForCall ()
void SetDigitsInError (double i)
double GetDigitsInError ()
void SetDigitsInResidual (double i)
double GetDigitsInResidual ()
void JacobianConjugateGradient ()
void JacobianSemiIterative ()
void SuccessiveOverrelaxation ()
void SymmetricSuccessiveOverrelaxationConjugateGradient ()
void SymmetricSuccessiveOverrelaxationSuccessiveOverrelaxation ()
void ReducedSystemConjugateGradient ()
void ReducedSystemSemiIteration ()
virtual void SetMaximumNonZeroValuesInMatrix (unsigned int maxNonZeroValues)
void ScaleMatrix (Float scale, unsigned int matrixIndex)
 LinearSystemWrapperItpack ()
 ~LinearSystemWrapperItpack ()
virtual void InitializeMatrix (unsigned int matrixIndex)
virtual bool IsMatrixInitialized (unsigned int matrixIndex)
virtual void DestroyMatrix (unsigned int matrixIndex)
virtual void InitializeVector (unsigned int vectorIndex)
virtual bool IsVectorInitialized (unsigned int vectorIndex)
virtual void DestroyVector (unsigned int vectorIndex)
virtual void InitializeSolution (unsigned int solutionIndex)
virtual bool IsSolutionInitialized (unsigned int solutionIndex)
virtual void DestroySolution (unsigned int solutionIndex)
virtual Float GetMatrixValue (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int matrixIndex) const
virtual void SetMatrixValue (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, Float value, unsigned int matrixIndex)
virtual void AddMatrixValue (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, Float value, unsigned int matrixIndex)
virtual void GetColumnsOfNonZeroMatrixElementsInRow (unsigned int row, ColumnArray &cols, unsigned int matrixIndex)
virtual Float GetVectorValue (unsigned int i, unsigned int vectorIndex) const
virtual void SetVectorValue (unsigned int i, Float value, unsigned int vectorIndex)
virtual void AddVectorValue (unsigned int i, Float value, unsigned int vectorIndex)
virtual Float GetSolutionValue (unsigned int i, unsigned int solutionIndex) const
virtual void SetSolutionValue (unsigned int i, Float value, unsigned int solutionIndex)
virtual void AddSolutionValue (unsigned int i, Float value, unsigned int solutionIndex)
virtual void Solve (void)
virtual void SwapMatrices (unsigned int matrixIndex1, unsigned int matrixIndex2)
virtual void SwapVectors (unsigned int vectorIndex1, unsigned int vectorIndex2)
virtual void SwapSolutions (unsigned int solutionIndex1, unsigned int solutionIndex2)
virtual void CopySolution2Vector (unsigned solutionIndex, unsigned int vectorIndex)
virtual void CopyVector2Solution (unsigned int vectorIndex, unsigned int solutionIndex)
virtual void MultiplyMatrixMatrix (unsigned int resultMatrixIndex, unsigned int leftMatrixIndex, unsigned int rightMatrixIndex)
virtual void MultiplyMatrixVector (unsigned int resultVectorIndex, unsigned int matrixIndex, unsigned int vectorIndex)

Detailed Description

LinearSystemWrapper class that uses Itpack numeric library functions to define and solve a sparse linear system of equations.

See also:

Definition at line 36 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<MatrixRepresentation> itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::MatrixHolder

vector of matrices typedef

Definition at line 50 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

typedef ItpackSparseMatrix itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::MatrixRepresentation

matrix representatin typedef

Definition at line 47 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

typedef LinearSystemWrapperItpack itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::Self

Standard "Self" typedef.

Reimplemented from itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

Definition at line 41 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

typedef LinearSystemWrapper itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::Superclass

Standard "Superclass" typedef.

Reimplemented from itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

Definition at line 44 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

typedef std::vector<VectorRepresentation> itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::VectorHolder

vector of vector typedef

Definition at line 60 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

typedef double* itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::VectorRepresentation

vector representation typedef

Definition at line 57 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::LinearSystemWrapperItpack  ) 


itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::~LinearSystemWrapperItpack  ) 


Member Function Documentation

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::AddMatrixValue unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j,
Float  value,
unsigned int  matrixIndex

Virtual function to add a value to a specific element of the A matrix.

i row of the element
j column of the element
value value to add to the existing element
matrixIndex index of matrix to add value to

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::AddSolutionValue unsigned int  i,
Float  value,
unsigned int  solutionIndex

Virtual function to add a value of specific element of the solution vector.

i element Index in solution vector
value new value of the element
solutionIndex index of solution vector to add value to

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::AddVectorValue unsigned int  i,
Float  value,
unsigned int  vectorIndex

Virtual function to add a value to a specific element of the B vector.

i row of the element
value value to add to the existing element
vectorIndex index of vector to add value to

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::CopySolution2Vector unsigned  solutionIndex,
unsigned int  vectorIndex

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::CopyVector2Solution unsigned int  vectorIndex,
unsigned int  solutionIndex

Copy a vector to a solution vector

vectorIndex index of a vector to copy
solutionIndex index of a solution to copy the solution to

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::DestroyMatrix unsigned int  matrixIndex  )  [virtual]

Free the memory from a matrix

matrixIndex index of matrix to destroy

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::DestroySolution unsigned int  solutionIndex  )  [virtual]

Free teh mememory from a solution vector

solutionIndex index of solution vector to destroy

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::DestroyVector unsigned int  vectorIndex  )  [virtual]

Free the memory from a vector

vectorIndex index of vector to destroy

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetAccuracy  )  [inline]

Get the level of accuracy

Definition at line 210 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetAdaptiveCaseSwitch  )  [inline]

Get flag indicating ??

Definition at line 142 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetAdaptiveSwitch  )  [inline]

Get flag indicating ??

Definition at line 131 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetColumnsOfNonZeroMatrixElementsInRow unsigned int  row,
ColumnArray cols,
unsigned int  matrixIndex

Returns the column index (zero based) of the i-th non zero (non allocated)element in a given row of A matrix. This function is usefull for optimizations when sparse matrices are used. Note that the value of an element with returned column index may actually be equal zero.

row Row number
cols Which element in that row. Can range from 0 to number of elements allocated in a row. If this is out of range, the function returns -1.
matrixIndex Index of matrix (defaults to 0)

Reimplemented from itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetCommunicationSwitch  )  [inline]

Get the communication flag - meaningless in this implementation

Definition at line 102 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetDampingFactor  )  [inline]

Get the damping factor used by ??

Definition at line 243 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetDigitsInError  )  [inline]

Get the number of digits in the error

Definition at line 320 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetDigitsInResidual  )  [inline]

Get the number of digits in the residual

Definition at line 331 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetErrorAnalysisSwitch  )  [inline]

Get the flag for level of error reporting - meaningless in this implementation

Definition at line 199 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetErrorReportingLevel  )  [inline]

Get a flag indicating the type of error reporting

Definition at line 91 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetEstimatedSpectralRadiusLU  )  [inline]

Get the ??

Definition at line 276 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetEstimatedSpectralRadiusSSOR  )  [inline]

Get the ??

Definition at line 265 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetLargestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate  )  [inline]

Get ??

Definition at line 221 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual Float itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetMatrixValue unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  matrixIndex
const [virtual]

Virtual function to get a value of a specific element of a matrix.

i row of the element
j column of the element
matrixIndex index of matrix to get value from

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetMaximumNumberIterations  )  [inline]

Get the maximum number iterations that may be performed

Definition at line 84 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetOutputNumber  )  [inline]

Get the output number - meaningless in this implementation

Definition at line 109 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetOverrelaxationParameter  )  [inline]

Get the over-relaxation parameter ??

Definition at line 254 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetRedBlackOrderingSwitch  )  [inline]

Get the flag indicating use of red black ordering

Definition at line 166 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetRemoveSwitch  )  [inline]

Get flag indicating ??

Definition at line 177 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetSmallestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate  )  [inline]

Get ??

Definition at line 232 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual Float itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetSolutionValue unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  solutionIndex
const [virtual]

Returns value of i-th element in a solution vector. This value is calculated generalized displacement of the i-th degree of freedom in a FEM problem. Note that in general there may be several solution vectors. You can select which one do you want by passing the second parameter.

i element index in solution vector
solutionIndex index of solution vector to get value from
If the solution vector doesn't exist (problem was not yet solved), or the index i is out of range, the function returns 0.0.

Implements itk::fem::Solution.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetSymmetricMatrixFlag  )  [inline]

Get flag indicating use of symmetric matrix (1=symmetric, 0=non-symmetric)

Definition at line 120 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetTimeForCall  )  [inline]

Get the time for call

Definition at line 309 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetTimeToConvergence  )  [inline]

Get the time to convergence

Definition at line 298 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetTimingSwitch  )  [inline]

Get the flag indicating use of the timer routines - meaningless in this implementation

Definition at line 188 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

double itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetTolerance  )  [inline]

Get the tolerance level

Definition at line 287 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual Float itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetVectorValue unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  vectorIndex
const [virtual]

Virtual function to get a value of a specific element of the B vector.

i row of the element
vectorIndex index of vector to get value from

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

int itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::GetWorkspaceUsed  )  [inline]

Get the size of the workspace used by solver

after solver is called this is the amount of workspace actually used

Definition at line 155 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::InitializeMatrix unsigned int  matrixIndex  )  [virtual]

Initialization of the A matrix. First any existing data for matrix A must be be destroyed, and then a new matrix is created in the memory. All elements in A must be set to zero.

matrixIndex index of matrix to initialize

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::InitializeSolution unsigned int  solutionIndex  )  [virtual]

Initialization of a solution vector. Existing memory must be destroyed and the new solution vector is created in memory. All values should be set to zero.

solutionIndex index of solution vector to initialize

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::InitializeVector unsigned int  vectorIndex  )  [virtual]

Initialization of the a vector. First any existing data for vector B must be destroyed, then new vector is created in the memory. All elements in B must be set to zero.

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual bool itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::IsMatrixInitialized unsigned int  matrixIndex  )  [virtual]

Check to see if matrix is initialized

matrixIndex index of matrix to examine

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual bool itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::IsSolutionInitialized unsigned int  solutionIndex  )  [virtual]

Check to see if solution vector is initialized

solutionIndex index of solution vector to examine

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual bool itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::IsVectorInitialized unsigned int  vectorIndex  )  [virtual]

Check to see if vector is initialized

vectorIndex vector of index to examine

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::JacobianConjugateGradient  )  [inline]

Set numerical solving method to jacobian conjugate gradient

Definition at line 336 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::JacobianSemiIterative  )  [inline]

Set numerical solving method to jacobian semi iterative

Definition at line 341 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::MultiplyMatrixMatrix unsigned int  resultMatrixIndex,
unsigned int  leftMatrixIndex,
unsigned int  rightMatrixIndex

Perform a matrix*matrix operation and store the result in the linear system

leftMatrixIndex index of left matrix
rightMatrixIndex index of right matrix
resultMatrixIndex index of matrix where solution is stored

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::MultiplyMatrixVector unsigned int  resultVectorIndex,
unsigned int  matrixIndex,
unsigned int  vectorIndex

Perform a matrix*vector operation and store the result in the linear system

matrixIndex index of matrix to multiply
vectorIndex index of vector to multiply
resultVectorIndex index of vector where result is store

Reimplemented from itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::ReducedSystemConjugateGradient  )  [inline]

Set numerical solving method to reduced system conjugate gradient

Definition at line 363 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::ReducedSystemSemiIteration  )  [inline]

Set numerical solving method to reduced system semi-iteration

Definition at line 367 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::ScaleMatrix Float  scale,
unsigned int  matrixIndex

Multiplies all elements of a matrix by a scalar

scale scalar to multiply all matrix values by
matrixIndex index of matrix to modify

Reimplemented from itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetAccuracy double  i  )  [inline]

Set the level of accuracy for an acceptable solution

i accuracy desired

Definition at line 205 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetAdaptiveCaseSwitch int  i  )  [inline]

Set flag for ??

i ??

Definition at line 137 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetAdaptiveSwitch int  i  )  [inline]

Set flag for ???

i ??

Definition at line 126 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetCommunicationSwitch int  i  )  [inline]

Set the communication switch - meaningless in this implementation

i flag value

Definition at line 97 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetDampingFactor double  i  )  [inline]

Set the damping factor used by ??

i damping factor

Definition at line 238 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetDigitsInError double  i  )  [inline]

Set digits in error

i number of digits in error

Definition at line 315 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetDigitsInResidual double  i  )  [inline]

Set the number of digits in the residual

i number of digits in the residual

Definition at line 326 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetErrorAnalysisSwitch int  i  )  [inline]

Set the flag for level of error reporting - meaningless in this implementation

i flag for level of error analysis

Definition at line 194 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetEstimatedSpectralRadiusLU double  i  )  [inline]

Set the ??

i ??

Definition at line 271 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetEstimatedSpectralRadiusSSOR double  i  )  [inline]

Set the ??

i ??

Definition at line 260 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetLargestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate double  i  )  [inline]

Set ??

i larges jacobian eigenvalue estimate

Definition at line 216 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetMatrixValue unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j,
Float  value,
unsigned int  matrixIndex

Virtual function to set a value of a specific element of the A matrix.

i row of the element
j column of the element
value new value of the element
matrixIndex index of matrix to set value in

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetMaximumNonZeroValuesInMatrix unsigned int  maxNonZeroValues  )  [inline, virtual]

set maximum number of entires in a matrix

maxNonZeroValues maximum number of entries allowed in matrix
this must be called before any matrices are initialized

Definition at line 382 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetMaximumNumberIterations int  i  )  [inline]

Set the maximum number of iterations

i maximum number of iterations that may be performed

Definition at line 79 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetOverrelaxationParameter double  i  )  [inline]

Set the over-relaxation parameter ??

i parameter

Definition at line 249 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetRedBlackOrderingSwitch int  i  )  [inline]

Set flag indicating use of red black ordering

i 1=red black ordering used, 0=not

Definition at line 161 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetRemoveSwitch int  i  )  [inline]

Set flag indicating ??

i ??

Definition at line 172 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetSmallestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate double  i  )  [inline]

Set ??

i smalles jacobian eigenvalue estimate

Definition at line 227 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetSolutionValue unsigned int  i,
Float  value,
unsigned int  solutionIndex

Virtual function to set a value of specific element of the solution vector.

i element Index in solution vector
value new value of the element
solutionIndex index of solution vector to set value in

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetSymmetricMatrixFlag int  i  )  [inline]

Set flag indicating symmetric matrix is being used

i 1=symmetric, 0=non-symmetric

Definition at line 115 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetTimeForCall double  i  )  [inline]

Set the time for call

i ??

Definition at line 304 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetTimeToConvergence double  i  )  [inline]

Set the time to convergence

i ??

Definition at line 293 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetTimingSwitch int  i  )  [inline]

Set the flag indicating use of timer routines - meaningless in this implementation

i flag

Definition at line 183 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetTolerance double  i  )  [inline]

Set the tolerance level

i tolerance

Definition at line 282 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetVectorValue unsigned int  i,
Float  value,
unsigned int  vectorIndex

Virtual function to set a value of a specific element of the B vector.

i row of the element
value new value of the element
vectorIndex index of vector to set value in

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SetWorkspaceUsed int  i  )  [inline]

Set size of workspace used by solver

i size of the workspace vector
this value is set by default

Definition at line 149 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::Solve void   )  [virtual]

Solves the linear system and creates the solution vector, which can later be accessed via GetSolutionValue(i,SolutionIndex) member function. Here all the major processing is done with calls to external numeric library.

This function can only be called after the linear system was properly assembled.

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SuccessiveOverrelaxation  )  [inline]

Set numerical solving method to successive over-relaxation

Definition at line 346 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SwapMatrices unsigned int  matrixIndex1,
unsigned int  matrixIndex2

Swaps access indices of any 2 matrices in the linear system

matrixIndex1 index of a matrix to swap
matrixIndex2 index of matrix to swap with

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SwapSolutions unsigned int  solutionIndex1,
unsigned int  solutionIndex2

Swaps access indices of any 2 solution vectors in the linear system

solutionIndex1 index of a solution vector to swap
solutionIndex2 index of solution vector to swap with

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

virtual void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SwapVectors unsigned int  vectorIndex1,
unsigned int  vectorIndex2

Swaps access indices of any 2 vectors in the linear system

vectorIndex1 index of a vector to swap
vectorIndex2 index of vector to swap with

Implements itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapper.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SymmetricSuccessiveOverrelaxationConjugateGradient  )  [inline]

Set numerical solving method to symmetric successive over-relaxation conjugate gradient

Definition at line 352 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

void itk::fem::LinearSystemWrapperItpack::SymmetricSuccessiveOverrelaxationSuccessiveOverrelaxation  )  [inline]

Set numerical solving method to symmetric successive over-relaxation successive over-relaxation

Definition at line 358 of file itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu May 25 02:57:14 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000