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itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage > Class Template Reference
[Image Gradient Filters]

Computes a scalar, gradient magnitude image from a multiple channel (pixels are vectors) input. More...

#include <itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter Self
typedef ImageToImageFilter<
TInputImage, TOutputImage > 
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const
typedef TOutputImage::PixelType OutputPixelType
typedef TInputImage::PixelType InputPixelType
typedef TInputImage InputImageType
typedef TOutputImage OutputImageType
typedef InputImageType::Pointer InputImagePointer
typedef OutputImageType::Pointer OutputImagePointer
typedef TRealType RealType
typedef Vector< TRealType,
InputPixelType >::VectorDimension > 
typedef Image< RealVectorType,
TInputImage >::ImageDimension > 
typedef ConstNeighborhoodIterator<
typedef ConstNeighborhoodIteratorType::RadiusType RadiusType
typedef Superclass::OutputImageRegionType OutputImageRegionType

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
 itkStaticConstMacro (ImageDimension, unsigned int, TOutputImage::ImageDimension)
 itkStaticConstMacro (VectorDimension, unsigned int, InputPixelType::Dimension)
virtual void GenerateInputRequestedRegion () throw (InvalidRequestedRegionError)
void SetUseImageSpacingOn ()
void SetUseImageSpacingOff ()
void SetUseImageSpacing (bool)
virtual bool GetUseImageSpacing ()
void SetDerivativeWeights (TRealType data[])
virtual const TRealType * GetDerivativeWeights () const
virtual void SetComponentWeights (TRealType data[])
virtual const TRealType * GetComponentWeights () const
virtual void SetUsePrincipleComponents (bool _arg)
virtual bool GetUsePrincipleComponents ()
void SetUsePrincipleComponentsOn ()
void SetUsePrincipleComponentsOff ()

Static Public Member Functions

Pointer New ()
int CubicSolver (double *, double *)

Protected Types

typedef InputImageType::Superclass ImageBaseType

Protected Member Functions

 VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter ()
virtual ~VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter ()
void BeforeThreadedGenerateData ()
void ThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType &outputRegionForThread, int threadId)
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual const ImageBaseTypeGetRealValuedInputImage ()
TRealType NonPCEvaluateAtNeighborhood (const ConstNeighborhoodIteratorType &it) const
TRealType EvaluateAtNeighborhood3D (const ConstNeighborhoodIteratorType &it) const
TRealType EvaluateAtNeighborhood (const ConstNeighborhoodIteratorType &it) const
virtual const RadiusTypeGetNeighborhoodRadius ()
virtual void SetNeighborhoodRadius (RadiusType _arg)

Protected Attributes

TRealType m_DerivativeWeights [itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension]
TRealType m_ComponentWeights [itk::GetVectorDimension< InputPixelType >::VectorDimension]
TRealType m_SqrtComponentWeights [itk::GetVectorDimension< InputPixelType >::VectorDimension]

Detailed Description

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
class itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >

Computes a scalar, gradient magnitude image from a multiple channel (pixels are vectors) input.

This filter has two calculation modes. The first (default) mode calculates gradient magnitude as the difference between the largest two eigenvalues in a principle component analysis of the partial derivatives [1]. The gradient is then based on the direction of maximal change, and is a characterization of how "elongated" the point-spread of the analysis is found to be.
The second, more heuristic, calculation mode finds gradient magnitude as the square-root of the sum of the * individual weighted vector component derivative sums squared. That is, * $ \mathbf{magnitude} = \left( \sum_{i=0}^n \sum_{j=0}^m \frac{\delta * \phi_j}{\delta \mathbf{x}_{i}}^2 \right)^{\frac{1}{2}} $, where $\phi_j$ * is the $j^{\mathbf{th}}$ channel of vector image $\phi$ of dimension $n$. * Weighting terms are applied to each vector component.

The second mode is computationally much faster than the first and has the advantage that it is automatically multi-threaded (some vnl functions used in the first mode are not thread-safe). The first mode, however, tends to give intuitively better results with less (or no) parameter tuning.

Template Parameters (Input and Output)
This filter has one required template parameter which defines the input image type. The pixel type of the input image is assumed to be a vector (e.g., itk::Vector, itk::RGBPixel, itk::FixedArray). The scalar type of the vector components must be castable to floating point. Instantiating with an image of RGBPixel<unsigned short>, for example, is allowed, but the filter will convert it to an image of Vector<float,3> for processing.
The second template parameter, TRealType, can be optionally specified to define the scalar numerical type used in calculations. This is the component type of the output image, which will be of itk::Vector<TRealType, N>, where N is the number of channels in the multiple component input image. The default type of TRealType is float. For extra precision, you may safely change this parameter to double.

The third template parameter is the output image type. The third parameter will be automatically constructed from the first and second parameters, so it is not necessary (or advisable) to set this parameter explicitly. Given an M-channel input image with dimensionality N, and a numerical type specified as TRealType, the output image will be of type itk::Image<itk::Vector<TRealType, M>, N>.

Filter Parameters
The methods Set/GetUsePrincipleComponents and SetUsePrincipleComponentsOn/Off determine controls the calculation mode that is used.
The method SetUseImageSpacingOn will cause derivatives in the image to be scaled (inversely) with the pixel size of the input image, effectively taking derivatives in world coordinates (versus isotropic image space). SetUseImageSpacingOff turns this functionality off. Default is UseImageSpacingOff (all weights are 1.0). The parameter UseImageSpacing can be set directly with the method SetUseImageSpacing(bool).

Weights can be applied to the derivatives directly using the SetDerivativeWeights method. Note that if UseImageSpacing is set to TRUE (ON), then these weights will be overridden by weights derived from the image spacing when the filter is updated. The argument to this method is a C array of TRealValue type.

Weights can be applied to each vector component of the image when the component derivative values are summed during computation. Specify these weights using the SetComponentWeights method. The argument to this method is a C array of TRealValue type.

The filter requires an image with at least two dimensions and a vector length of at least 2. The theory supports extension to scalar images, but the implementation of the itk vector classes do not
The template parameter TRealType must be floating point (float or double) or a user-defined "real" numerical type with arithmetic operations defined sufficient to compute derivatives.

This filter will automatically multithread if run with SetUsePrincipleComponents=Off or on 3D data in UsePrincipleComponents=On mode. Unfortunately the ND eigen solver used is not thread safe (a special 3D solver is), so it cannot multithread for data other than 3D in UsePrincipleComponents=On mode.
[1] G. Sapiro and D. Ringach, "Anisotropic Diffusion of Multivalued Images with Application to Color Filtering," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol 5, No. 11 pp. 1582-1586, 1996

See also:




Definition at line 138 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef ConstNeighborhoodIterator<RealVectorImageType> itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::ConstNeighborhoodIteratorType

Type of the iterator that will be used to move through the image. Also the type which will be passed to the evaluate function

Definition at line 181 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::ConstPointer

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 146 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef InputImageType::Superclass itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::ImageBaseType [protected]

Definition at line 273 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef InputImageType::Pointer itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::InputImagePointer

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 162 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef TInputImage itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::InputImageType

Image typedef support

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 160 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef TInputImage::PixelType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::InputPixelType

Definition at line 157 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef OutputImageType::Pointer itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::OutputImagePointer

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 163 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef Superclass::OutputImageRegionType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::OutputImageRegionType

Superclass typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 185 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef TOutputImage itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::OutputImageType

Some convenient typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 161 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef TOutputImage::PixelType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::OutputPixelType

Extract some information from the image types. Dimensionality of the two images is assumed to be the same.

Definition at line 156 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef SmartPointer<Self> itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::Pointer

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 145 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef ConstNeighborhoodIteratorType::RadiusType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::RadiusType

Definition at line 182 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef TRealType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::RealType

Define the data type and the vector of data type used in calculations.

Definition at line 174 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef Image<RealVectorType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension> itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::RealVectorImageType

Definition at line 176 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef Vector<TRealType, ::itk::GetVectorDimension<InputPixelType>::VectorDimension> itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::RealVectorType

Definition at line 175 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::Self

Standard class typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 143 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
typedef ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::Superclass

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 144 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter  )  [protected]

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::~VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 250 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::BeforeThreadedGenerateData  )  [protected, virtual]

Do any necessary casting/copying of the input data. Input pixel types whose value types are not real number types must be cast to real number types.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
int itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::CubicSolver double *  ,
double * 

A specialized solver for finding the roots of a cubic polynomial. Necessary to multi-thread the 3D case

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
TRealType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::EvaluateAtNeighborhood const ConstNeighborhoodIteratorType it  )  const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 402 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
TRealType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::EvaluateAtNeighborhood3D const ConstNeighborhoodIteratorType it  )  const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 303 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::GenerateInputRequestedRegion  )  throw (InvalidRequestedRegionError) [virtual]

VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter needs a larger input requested region than the output requested region (larger by the kernel size to calculate derivatives). As such, VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter needs to provide an implementation for GenerateInputRequestedRegion() in order to inform the pipeline execution model.

See also:

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual const TRealType* itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::GetComponentWeights  )  const [virtual]

Set/Get the array of weightings for the different components of the vector. Default values are 1.0.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual const TRealType* itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::GetDerivativeWeights  )  const [virtual]

Directly Set/Get the array of weights used in the gradient calculations. Note that calling UseImageSpacingOn will clobber these values.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual const char* itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::GetNameOfClass  )  const [virtual]

Run-time type information (and related methods)

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual const RadiusType& itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::GetNeighborhoodRadius  )  [protected, virtual]

Get/Set the neighborhood radius used for gradient computation

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual const ImageBaseType* itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::GetRealValuedInputImage  )  [protected, virtual]

Get access to the input image casted as real pixel values

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual bool itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::GetUseImageSpacing  )  [virtual]

Set/Get whether or not the filter will use the spacing of the input image in its calculations

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual bool itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::GetUsePrincipleComponents  )  [virtual]

Set/Get principle components calculation mode. When this is set to TRUE/ON, the gradient calculation will involve a priniciple component analysis of the partial derivatives of the color components. When this value is set to FALSE/OFF, the calculation is done as a square root of weighted sum of the derivatives squared. Default is UsePrincipleComponents = true.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::itkStaticConstMacro VectorDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

Length of the vector pixel type of the input image.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::itkStaticConstMacro ImageDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

The dimensionality of the input and output images.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
Pointer itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::New  )  [static]

Method for creation through the object factory.

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
TRealType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::NonPCEvaluateAtNeighborhood const ConstNeighborhoodIteratorType it  )  const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 284 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

References itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage, TBoundaryCondition >::GetNext(), and itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage, TBoundaryCondition >::GetPrevious().

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::PrintSelf std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent
const [protected, virtual]

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::SetComponentWeights TRealType  data[]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the array of weightings for the different components of the vector. Default values are 1.0.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::SetDerivativeWeights TRealType  data[]  ) 

Directly Set/Get the array of weights used in the gradient calculations. Note that calling UseImageSpacingOn will clobber these values.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::SetNeighborhoodRadius RadiusType  _arg  )  [protected, virtual]

Get/Set the neighborhood radius used for gradient computation

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::SetUseImageSpacing bool   ) 

Set/Get whether or not the filter will use the spacing of the input image in its calculations

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::SetUseImageSpacingOff  )  [inline]

Reset the derivative weights to ignore image spacing. Use this option if you want to calculate the gradient in the image space. Default is ImageSpacingOff.

Definition at line 206 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::SetUseImageSpacingOn  )  [inline]

Set the derivative weights according to the spacing of the input image (1/spacing). Use this option if you want to calculate the gradient in the space in which the data was acquired.

Definition at line 200 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
virtual void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::SetUsePrincipleComponents bool  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get principle components calculation mode. When this is set to TRUE/ON, the gradient calculation will involve a priniciple component analysis of the partial derivatives of the color components. When this value is set to FALSE/OFF, the calculation is done as a square root of weighted sum of the derivatives squared. Default is UsePrincipleComponents = true.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::SetUsePrincipleComponentsOff  )  [inline]

Set/Get principle components calculation mode. When this is set to TRUE/ON, the gradient calculation will involve a priniciple component analysis of the partial derivatives of the color components. When this value is set to FALSE/OFF, the calculation is done as a square root of weighted sum of the derivatives squared. Default is UsePrincipleComponents = true.

Definition at line 238 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::SetUsePrincipleComponentsOn  )  [inline]

Set/Get principle components calculation mode. When this is set to TRUE/ON, the gradient calculation will involve a priniciple component analysis of the partial derivatives of the color components. When this value is set to FALSE/OFF, the calculation is done as a square root of weighted sum of the derivatives squared. Default is UsePrincipleComponents = true.

Definition at line 234 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
void itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::ThreadedGenerateData const OutputImageRegionType outputRegionForThread,
int  threadId
[protected, virtual]

VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter can be implemented as a multithreaded filter. Therefore, this implementation provides a ThreadedGenerateData() routine which is called for each processing thread. The output image data is allocated automatically by the superclass prior to calling ThreadedGenerateData(). ThreadedGenerateData can only write to the portion of the output image specified by the parameter "outputRegionForThread"

See also:
ImageToImageFilter::ThreadedGenerateData(), ImageToImageFilter::GenerateData()

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
TRealType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::m_ComponentWeights[itk::GetVectorDimension<InputPixelType>::VectorDimension] [protected]

These weights are used to scale vector component values when they are combined to produce a scalar. The square roon

Definition at line 441 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
TRealType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::m_DerivativeWeights[itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension] [protected]

The weights used to scale derivatives during processing

Definition at line 436 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputImage, typename TRealType = float, typename TOutputImage = Image< TRealType, ::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >>
TRealType itk::VectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >::m_SqrtComponentWeights[itk::GetVectorDimension<InputPixelType>::VectorDimension] [protected]

Definition at line 442 of file itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h.

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Generated at Thu May 25 02:35:07 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000