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itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType > Class Template Reference

#include <itkTreeContainerBase.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Object Superclass
typedef TreeContainerBase Self
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const
typedef TValueType ValueType

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
virtual bool SetRoot (TValueType element)=0
virtual bool SetRoot (TreeNode< TValueType > *node)=0
virtual bool Contains (const TValueType element)=0
virtual int Count () const=0
virtual bool IsLeaf (const TValueType element)=0
virtual bool IsRoot (const TValueType element)=0
virtual bool Clear ()=0
virtual const TreeNode< TValueType > * GetRoot () const=0
void SetSubtree (bool val)

Protected Member Functions

 TreeContainerBase ()
virtual ~TreeContainerBase ()

Protected Attributes

bool m_SubTree

template<class TValueType>
class itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TValueType>
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::ConstPointer

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

Reimplemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >, itk::SpatialObjectTreeContainer< TDimension >, and itk::TreeContainer< itk::SpatialObject< TDimension > * >.

Definition at line 39 of file itkTreeContainerBase.h.

template<class TValueType>
typedef SmartPointer<Self> itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::Pointer

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

Reimplemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >, itk::SpatialObjectTreeContainer< TDimension >, and itk::TreeContainer< itk::SpatialObject< TDimension > * >.

Definition at line 38 of file itkTreeContainerBase.h.

template<class TValueType>
typedef TreeContainerBase itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::Self

Smart pointer typedef support.

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

Reimplemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >, itk::SpatialObjectTreeContainer< TDimension >, and itk::TreeContainer< itk::SpatialObject< TDimension > * >.

Definition at line 37 of file itkTreeContainerBase.h.

template<class TValueType>
typedef Object itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::Superclass

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

Reimplemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >, itk::SpatialObjectTreeContainer< TDimension >, and itk::TreeContainer< itk::SpatialObject< TDimension > * >.

Definition at line 36 of file itkTreeContainerBase.h.

template<class TValueType>
typedef TValueType itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::ValueType

Reimplemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >, and itk::TreeContainer< itk::SpatialObject< TDimension > * >.

Definition at line 41 of file itkTreeContainerBase.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TValueType>
itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::TreeContainerBase  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 76 of file itkTreeContainerBase.h.

template<class TValueType>
virtual itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::~TreeContainerBase  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 77 of file itkTreeContainerBase.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class TValueType>
virtual bool itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::Clear  )  [pure virtual]

Clear the tree

Implemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >, and itk::TreeContainer< itk::SpatialObject< TDimension > * >.

template<class TValueType>
virtual bool itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::Contains const TValueType  element  )  [pure virtual]

Return true if the tree contains the element

Implemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >.

template<class TValueType>
virtual int itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::Count  )  const [pure virtual]

Return the number of nodes in the tree

Implemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >, and itk::TreeContainer< itk::SpatialObject< TDimension > * >.

template<class TValueType>
virtual const char* itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::GetNameOfClass  )  const [virtual]

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

Reimplemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >, itk::SpatialObjectTreeContainer< TDimension >, and itk::TreeContainer< itk::SpatialObject< TDimension > * >.

template<class TValueType>
virtual const TreeNode<TValueType>* itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::GetRoot  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the root as a node

Implemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >, and itk::TreeContainer< itk::SpatialObject< TDimension > * >.

template<class TValueType>
virtual bool itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::IsLeaf const TValueType  element  )  [pure virtual]

Return if the element is a leaf

Implemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >.

template<class TValueType>
virtual bool itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::IsRoot const TValueType  element  )  [pure virtual]

Return if the element is root

Implemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >.

template<class TValueType>
virtual bool itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::SetRoot TreeNode< TValueType > *  node  )  [pure virtual]

Set the root has a node

Implemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >.

template<class TValueType>
virtual bool itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::SetRoot TValueType  element  )  [pure virtual]

Set the root element. A new node is created and the element is added to the node

Implemented in itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >.

template<class TValueType>
void itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::SetSubtree bool  val  )  [inline]

Set if the tree is a subtree

Definition at line 72 of file itkTreeContainerBase.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class TValueType>
bool itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >::m_SubTree [protected]

Definition at line 78 of file itkTreeContainerBase.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu May 25 02:31:28 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000