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itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput > Class Template Reference

#include <itkRBFLayer.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.


virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
Pointer New ()

Public Types

typedef RBFLayer Self
typedef LayerBase< TVector,
TOutput > 
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const
typedef Superclass::ValueType ValueType
typedef Superclass::ValuePointer ValuePointer
typedef vnl_vector< ValueTypeNodeVectorType
typedef Array< ValueTypeNodeArrayType
typedef Superclass::OutputVectorType OutputVectorType
typedef RadialBasisFunctionBase<
typedef EuclideanDistance<
TVector > 
typedef DistanceMetricType::Pointer DistanceMetricPointer

Public Member Functions

void SetNumberOfNodes (unsigned int)
ValueType GetInputValue (unsigned int i)
void SetInputValue (unsigned int i, ValueType value)
ValueType GetOutputValue (int)
void SetOutputValue (int, ValueType)
ValuePointer GetOutputVector ()
void SetOutputVector (TVector value)
void ForwardPropagate ()
void ForwardPropagate (TVector input)
void BackwardPropagate ()
void BackwardPropagate (TOutput)
void SetOutputErrorValues (TOutput)
ValueType GetOutputErrorValue (unsigned int node_id)
ValueType GetInputErrorValue (int node_id)
ValuePointer GetInputErrorVector ()
void SetInputErrorValue (ValueType, int node_id)
TVector GetCenter (int i)
void SetCenter (TVector c, int i)
ValueType GetRadii (int i)
void SetRadii (ValueType c, int i)
ValueType Activation (ValueType)
ValueType DActivation (ValueType)
void SetBias (ValueType b)
ValueType GetBias ()
void SetDistanceMetric (DistanceMetricType *f)
DistanceMetricPointer GetDistanceMetric ()
virtual void SetNumClasses (int _arg)
virtual const int & GetNumClasses ()
void SetRBF (RBFType *f)
virtual RBFTypeGetRBF ()

Protected Member Functions

 RBFLayer ()
 ~RBFLayer ()
virtual void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
class itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::ConstPointer

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

Definition at line 39 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef DistanceMetricType::Pointer itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::DistanceMetricPointer

Definition at line 56 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

Referenced by itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::BackwardPropagate().

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef EuclideanDistance<TVector> itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::DistanceMetricType

Definition at line 55 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

Referenced by itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::BackwardPropagate().

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef Array<ValueType> itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::NodeArrayType

Definition at line 49 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

Referenced by itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetDistanceMetric().

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef vnl_vector<ValueType> itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::NodeVectorType

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

Definition at line 48 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

Referenced by itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetDistanceMetric().

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef Superclass::OutputVectorType itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::OutputVectorType

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

Definition at line 50 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef SmartPointer<Self> itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::Pointer

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

Definition at line 38 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef RadialBasisFunctionBase<ValueType> itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::RBFType

Definition at line 52 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

Referenced by itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetDistanceMetric().

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef RBFLayer itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::Self

Standard class typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

Definition at line 36 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef LayerBase<TVector, TOutput> itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::Superclass

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

Definition at line 37 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef Superclass::ValuePointer itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::ValuePointer

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

Definition at line 47 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

Referenced by itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::BackwardPropagate().

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
typedef Superclass::ValueType itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::ValueType

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

Definition at line 46 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

Referenced by itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::BackwardPropagate(), and itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetDistanceMetric().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::RBFLayer  )  [protected]

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::~RBFLayer  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
ValueType itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::Activation ValueType   )  [virtual]

Implements itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::BackwardPropagate TOutput   )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

Definition at line 72 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

References itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::DistanceMetricPointer, itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::DistanceMetricType, itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::ValuePointer, and itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::ValueType.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::BackwardPropagate  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
ValueType itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::DActivation ValueType   )  [virtual]

Implements itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::ForwardPropagate TVector  input  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::ForwardPropagate  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
ValueType itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetBias  )  [virtual]

Implements itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
TVector itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetCenter int  i  ) 

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
DistanceMetricPointer itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetDistanceMetric  )  [inline]

Definition at line 97 of file itkRBFLayer.h.

References itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::NodeArrayType, itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::NodeVectorType, itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::RBFType, and itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::ValueType.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
ValueType itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetInputErrorValue int  node_id  )  [virtual]

Implements itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
ValuePointer itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetInputErrorVector  )  [virtual]

Implements itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
ValueType itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetInputValue unsigned int  i  )  [virtual]

Implements itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
virtual const char* itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetNameOfClass  )  const [virtual]

Method for creation through the object factory.

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
virtual const int& itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetNumClasses  )  [virtual]

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
ValueType itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetOutputErrorValue unsigned int  node_id  )  [virtual]

Implements itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
ValueType itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetOutputValue int   )  [virtual]

Implements itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
ValuePointer itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetOutputVector  )  [virtual]

Implements itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
ValueType itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetRadii int  i  ) 

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
virtual RBFType* itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::GetRBF  )  [virtual]

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
Pointer itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::New  )  [static]

Method for creation through the object factory.

Reimplemented from itk::LightProcessObject.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
virtual void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::PrintSelf std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent
const [protected, virtual]

Method to print the object.

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetBias ValueType  b  )  [virtual]

Implements itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetCenter TVector  c,
int  i

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetDistanceMetric DistanceMetricType f  ) 

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetInputErrorValue ValueType  ,
int  node_id

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetInputValue unsigned int  i,
ValueType  value

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetNumberOfNodes unsigned  int  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
virtual void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetNumClasses int  _arg  )  [virtual]

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetOutputErrorValues TOutput   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::LayerBase< TVector, TOutput >.

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetOutputValue int  ,

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetOutputVector TVector  value  ) 

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetRadii ValueType  c,
int  i

template<class TVector, class TOutput>
void itk::Statistics::RBFLayer< TVector, TOutput >::SetRBF RBFType f  ) 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu May 25 03:13:51 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000