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itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage > Class Template Reference

Base class for filters that take a PointSet as input and produce an image as output. By default, if the user does not specify the size of the output image, the maximum size of the point-set's bounding box is used. More...

#include <itkPointSetToImageFilter.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef PointSetToImageFilter Self
typedef ImageSource< TOutputImage > Superclass
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const
typedef TOutputImage::SizeType SizeType
typedef TOutputImage OutputImageType
typedef OutputImageType::Pointer OutputImagePointer
typedef OutputImageType::ValueType ValueType
typedef Superclass::OutputImageRegionType OutputImageRegionType
typedef TInputPointSet InputPointSetType
typedef InputPointSetType::Pointer InputPointSetPointer
typedef InputPointSetType::ConstPointer InputPointSetConstPointer
typedef TOutputImage::SpacingType SpacingType
typedef TOutputImage::PointType PointType

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
virtual const SpacingTypeGetSpacing ()
virtual const PointTypeGetOrigin ()
 itkStaticConstMacro (InputPointSetDimension, unsigned int, InputPointSetType::PointDimension)
 itkStaticConstMacro (OutputImageDimension, unsigned int, TOutputImage::ImageDimension)
virtual void SetInput (const InputPointSetType *pointset)
virtual void SetInput (unsigned int, const InputPointSetType *pointset)
const InputPointSetTypeGetInput (void)
const InputPointSetTypeGetInput (unsigned int idx)
virtual void SetSpacing (SpacingType _arg)
virtual void SetSpacing (const double *spacing)
virtual void SetSpacing (const float *spacing)
virtual void SetOrigin (PointType _arg)
virtual void SetOrigin (const double *origin)
virtual void SetOrigin (const float *origin)
virtual void SetInsideValue (ValueType _arg)
virtual ValueType GetInsideValue ()
virtual void SetOutsideValue (ValueType _arg)
virtual ValueType GetOutsideValue ()
virtual void SetSize (SizeType _arg)
virtual SizeType GetSize ()

Static Public Member Functions

Pointer New ()

Protected Member Functions

 PointSetToImageFilter ()
 ~PointSetToImageFilter ()
virtual void GenerateOutputInformation ()
virtual void GenerateData ()
virtual void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const

Protected Attributes

SizeType m_Size
SpacingType m_Spacing
PointType m_Origin
ValueType m_InsideValue
ValueType m_OutsideValue

Detailed Description

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
class itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >

Base class for filters that take a PointSet as input and produce an image as output. By default, if the user does not specify the size of the output image, the maximum size of the point-set's bounding box is used.

Definition at line 33 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::ConstPointer

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 40 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef InputPointSetType::ConstPointer itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::InputPointSetConstPointer

Definition at line 58 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef InputPointSetType::Pointer itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::InputPointSetPointer

Definition at line 57 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef TInputPointSet itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::InputPointSetType

Some convenient typedefs.

Definition at line 56 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef OutputImageType::Pointer itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::OutputImagePointer

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 43 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef Superclass::OutputImageRegionType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::OutputImageRegionType

Superclass typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 53 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef TOutputImage itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::OutputImageType

Some convenient typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 42 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef SmartPointer<Self> itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::Pointer

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 39 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef TOutputImage::PointType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::PointType

Definition at line 69 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef PointSetToImageFilter itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::Self

Standard class typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 37 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef TOutputImage::SizeType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SizeType

Definition at line 41 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef TOutputImage::SpacingType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SpacingType

Image spacing and origin typedefs

Definition at line 68 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef ImageSource<TOutputImage> itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::Superclass

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

Definition at line 38 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
typedef OutputImageType::ValueType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::ValueType

Definition at line 44 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

Referenced by itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GenerateOutputInformation().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::PointSetToImageFilter  )  [protected]

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::~PointSetToImageFilter  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GenerateData  )  [protected, virtual]

A version of GenerateData() specific for image processing filters. This implementation will split the processing across multiple threads. The buffer is allocated by this method. Then the BeforeThreadedGenerateData() method is called (if provided). Then, a series of threads are spawned each calling ThreadedGenerateData(). After all the threads have completed processing, the AfterThreadedGenerateData() method is called (if provided). If an image processing filter cannot be threaded, the filter should provide an implementation of GenerateData(). That implementation is responsible for allocating the output buffer. If a filter an be threaded, it should NOT provide a GenerateData() method but should provide a ThreadedGenerateData() instead.

See also:

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GenerateOutputInformation  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Generate the information decribing the output data. The default implementation of this method will copy information from the input to the output. A filter may override this method if its output will have different information than its input. For instance, a filter that shrinks an image will need to provide an implementation for this method that changes the spacing of the pixels. Such filters should call their superclass' implementation of this method prior to changing the information values they need (i.e. GenerateOutputInformation() should call Superclass::GenerateOutputInformation() prior to changing the information.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

Definition at line 137 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

References itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::ValueType.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
const InputPointSetType* itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GetInput unsigned int  idx  ) 

Set/Get the input point-set of this process object.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
const InputPointSetType* itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GetInput void   ) 

Set/Get the input point-set of this process object.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual ValueType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GetInsideValue  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value for pixels in the point-set. By default, this filter will return an image that contains values from the point-set specified as input. If this "inside" value is changed to a non-null value, the output produced by this filter will be a mask with inside/outside values specified by the user.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual const char* itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GetNameOfClass  )  const [virtual]

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual const PointType& itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GetOrigin  )  [virtual]

Get the origin of the image. The origin is the geometric coordinates of the index (0,0). The value returned is a pointer to a double array. For ImageBase and Image, the default origin is 0.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual ValueType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GetOutsideValue  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value for pixels outside the point-set. By default, this filter will return an image that contains values from the point specified as input. If this "outside" value is changed to a non-null value, the output produced by this filter will be a mask with inside/outside values specified by the user.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual SizeType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GetSize  )  [virtual]

Set/Get Size

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual const SpacingType& itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::GetSpacing  )  [virtual]

Get the spacing (size of a pixel) of the image. The spacing is the geometric distance between image samples. The value returned is a pointer to a double array. For ImageBase and Image, the default data spacing is unity.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::itkStaticConstMacro OutputImageDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

Dimension constants

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::itkStaticConstMacro InputPointSetDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

Dimension constants

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
Pointer itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::New  )  [static]

Method for creation through the object factory.

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::PrintSelf std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent
const [protected, virtual]

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetInput unsigned  int,
const InputPointSetType pointset

Set/Get the input point-set of this process object.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetInput const InputPointSetType pointset  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the input point-set of this process object.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetInsideValue ValueType  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value for pixels in the point-set. By default, this filter will return an image that contains values from the point-set specified as input. If this "inside" value is changed to a non-null value, the output produced by this filter will be a mask with inside/outside values specified by the user.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetOrigin const float *  origin  )  [virtual]

Set the origin of the image. The origin is the geometric coordinates of the image origin. It is stored internally as double but may be set from float.

See also:

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetOrigin const double *  origin  )  [virtual]

Set the origin of the image. The origin is the geometric coordinates of the image origin. It is stored internally as double but may be set from float.

See also:

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetOrigin PointType  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set the origin of the image. The origin is the geometric coordinates of the image origin. It is stored internally as double but may be set from float.

See also:

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetOutsideValue ValueType  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value for pixels outside the point-set. By default, this filter will return an image that contains values from the point specified as input. If this "outside" value is changed to a non-null value, the output produced by this filter will be a mask with inside/outside values specified by the user.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetSize SizeType  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get Size

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetSpacing const float *  spacing  )  [virtual]

Set the spacing (size of a pixel) of the image. The spacing is the geometric distance between image samples. It is stored internally as double, but may be set from float.

See also:

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetSpacing const double *  spacing  )  [virtual]

Set the spacing (size of a pixel) of the image. The spacing is the geometric distance between image samples. It is stored internally as double, but may be set from float.

See also:

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::SetSpacing SpacingType  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set the spacing (size of a pixel) of the image. The spacing is the geometric distance between image samples. It is stored internally as double, but may be set from float.

See also:

Member Data Documentation

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
ValueType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::m_InsideValue [protected]

Definition at line 143 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
PointType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::m_Origin [protected]

Definition at line 142 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
ValueType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::m_OutsideValue [protected]

Definition at line 144 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
SizeType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::m_Size [protected]

Definition at line 140 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

template<class TInputPointSet, class TOutputImage>
SpacingType itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage >::m_Spacing [protected]

Definition at line 141 of file itkPointSetToImageFilter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu May 25 02:06:23 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000