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itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T > Class Template Reference
[Image Adaptors]

Give access to a RGBPixel as if it were a Vector type. More...

#include <itkRGBToVectorPixelAccessor.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef RGBToVectorPixelAccessor Self
typedef Vector< T, 3 > ExternalType
typedef RGBPixel< T > InternalType

Public Member Functions

void Set (InternalType &output, const ExternalType &input) const
ExternalType Get (const InternalType &input) const

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >

Give access to a RGBPixel as if it were a Vector type.

This class is intended to be used as parameter of an ImageAdaptor to make an RGBPixel image appear as being an image of Vector pixel type.

See also:

Definition at line 43 of file itkRGBToVectorPixelAccessor.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class T>
typedef Vector<T,3> itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::ExternalType

External typedef. It defines the external aspect that this class will exhibit

Definition at line 51 of file itkRGBToVectorPixelAccessor.h.

Referenced by itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::Get(), and itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::Set().

template<class T>
typedef RGBPixel<T> itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::InternalType

Internal typedef. It defines the internal real representation of data

Definition at line 55 of file itkRGBToVectorPixelAccessor.h.

Referenced by itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::Get(), and itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::Set().

template<class T>
typedef RGBToVectorPixelAccessor itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::Self

Standard class typedefs.

Definition at line 47 of file itkRGBToVectorPixelAccessor.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
ExternalType itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::Get const InternalType input  )  const [inline]

Read access to the RGBToVector component

Definition at line 66 of file itkRGBToVectorPixelAccessor.h.

References itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::ExternalType, itk::FixedArray< TComponent, 3 >::GetDataPointer(), and itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::InternalType.

template<class T>
void itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::Set InternalType output,
const ExternalType input
const [inline]

Write access to the RGBToVector component

Definition at line 58 of file itkRGBToVectorPixelAccessor.h.

References itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::ExternalType, and itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< T >::InternalType.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu May 25 02:46:18 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000