Installing and Uninstalling OGSA-DAI WSRF 2.1

This OGSA-DAI distribution provides a WSRF-based service interface, using the Globus Toolkit 4 WSRF implementation.



The installation and use of the OGSA-DAI WSRF distribution will be easier if you are already familiar with:

Prerequisite Software

To use OGSA-DAI WSRF you will need the following software:

We strongly recommend that Windows users re-locate Java, ANT, Tomcat (if you are using it) and Globus Toolkit to directories which have no spaces in their paths. For example:


Data Resource Drivers

The Supported Data Resources page lists the data resource-specific JARs that may be be required depending on the databases you wish to expose and additional functionality required. These database drivers have all been tested with OGSA-DAI.

Build the Binary Distribution

If you have downloaded the binary distribution then skip to Deploying GT4 onto Tomcat below.

If you have the OGSA-DAI source distribution you will need to generate a binary release. You can do this as follows:

  1. Set a GLOBUS_LOCATION environment variable to point to the location of your GT4 distribution. For example, under UNIX, enter:
    $ export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/path/to/Globus/directory
  2. Now run the following target to build the OGSA-DAI binary distribution:
    $ ant createBinaryDistribution

    Progress messages will appear and if there are any problems then you will be notified.

  3. When complete, you will have a zipped and tarred binary distribution within your OGSA-DAI source distribution directory. You will also have a binary directory containing the binary release.
  4. You should now change into the binary directory:
    $ cd binary

Deploy GT4 onto Tomcat

If you do not wish to use Tomcat or have aleady deployed GT4 onto Tomcat then skip forward to Installing OGSA-DAI WSRF below.

If you want to use OGSA-DAI WSRF with Tomcat you first have to deploy GT4 onto Tomcat as shown below.

Note that if you wish to use transport-level security then the procedure is more complex and you should refer to the Globus Toolkit documentation [1] for guidance.

  1. Set a GLOBUS_LOCATION environment variable to point to the location of your GT4 distribution. For example, under UNIX, enter:
    $ export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/path/to/Globus/directory
  2. Set a CATALINA_HOME environment variable to point to the location of Tomcat. For example, under UNIX, enter:
    $ export CATALINA_HOME=/path/to/Tomcat/directory
  3. Run the following commands:
    $ cd path/to/Globus/directory
    $ ant -f share/globus_wsrf_common/tomcat/tomcat.xml deployTomcat 
    $ cd path/to/OGSA-DAI/binary/directory
  4. For more information see the GT4 installation instructions.


The OGSA-DAI WSRF binary distribution can be installed onto your Web services container using either of the following:

Expose Data Resources using OGSA-DAI WSRF

To expose a data resource via an OGSA-DAI WSRF data service is a three-step process:

  1. Deploy an OGSA-DAI data service. This data service initially exposes 0 data service resources.
  2. Deploy a data service resource. The data service resource contains information about a data resource and the activities clients can perform.
  3. Request that the data service expose the data service resource. This instructs the data service to expose the data service resource and so allows clients to interact with the data service resource, thereby interacting with a data resource.

More details are provided on the deployment pages.

For those who want a quick practical introduction to OGSA-DAI WSRF, we recommend:

  1. Deploy a new data service.
  2. Startup your Web services container.
  3. Test the data service resource using the ListResources client, ensuring that the service is available and exposes 0 data service resources.
  4. Deploy a new data data service resource.
  5. Request that the data service expose the data service resource.
  6. Restart your Web services container so that the changes take effect.
  7. Submit a perform document to the data service resource exposed by your data service using the end-to-end client.


Uninstallation erases all OGSA-DAI XML Schema, OGSA-DAI-specific JAR files and configuration files from a Web services container.

The OGSA-DAI WSRF binary distribution can be uninstalled from your Web services container using either of the following:

Before attempting to uninstall the OGSA-DAI WSRF binary distribution, ensure that none of the deployment files or directories are open. These files are described on the Where does stuff go? page. If any of these are open, the uninstallation tools may be unable to delete them and an error will be displayed.

