Release Notes
This document contains the release notes for OGSA-DAI WSRF.
Release 2.1
OGSA-DAI WSRF 2.1 is a WSRF-compliant version of OGSA-DAI and
runs upon Globus Toolkit 4.0.1. It is not compatible with Globus
Toolkit 3. The source release should still be compatible with
Globus Toolkit 4.0.
The main changes between this and the previous release are as follows:
OGSA-DAI WSRF 2.1 is almost identical to OGSA-DAI WSRF 2.0 which
was released just one week earlier. This release was motivated by:
A need to allow data resource accessors to be notified whenever a session
is terminated, so that session-related resource properties can be removed.
A bug fix to ensure that a single block of data can flow through a pipeline
containing an inputStream activity and an outputStream activity.
If you have OGSA-DAI WSRF 2.0 and were not dependant on or concerned by these
then there is no requirement for you to upgrade.
The additions / changes were as follows:
In core/src/java/:
In doc:
Release 2.0
OGSA-DAI WSRF 2.0 is a WSRF-compliant version of OGSA-DAI and
runs upon Globus Toolkit 4.0.1. It is not compatible with Globus
Toolkit 3. The source release should still be compatible with
Globus Toolkit 4.0.
The major features of this release are as follows:
OGSA-DAI WSRF 2.0 is compatible with Globus Toolkit 4.0.1 and the
should still work with Globus Toolkit 4.0 (if you have the OGSA-DAI
WSRF 2.0 binary distribution you'll need to get the source
distribution and compile against Globus Toolkit 4.0).
Data service resources support concurrent request execution and
queueing of requests.
All data service resources exposed by a specific service share the
same settings for the number of concurrent requests that can be
executed and the number that can be queued. These are specified at
service deployment time.
Sessions are now supported. Multiple perform documents can be
submitted which operate within the context of the same session. State can be
stored in session attributes. Data transport operations now operate within the
scope of a session.
Data service accessors have been provided. These manage access to
a data resource on behalf of a data service resource. They each have
their own specific configuration files.
Configurable data services provide an
undeploy operation so that a service can
be instructed to no longer expose a specific data service
resource. This is reflected in the client toolkit.
There have been numerous performance improvements most notably in the
refactoring of our java.sql.ResultSet to
WebRowSet converters.
Client and server-side now support transport-level security between
clients and services.
Client and server-side now support message-level security between
clients and services.
Services can be configured to register themselves with a Globus
MDS Index service running in the same container.
The OGSA-DAI data browser is now compatible with both OGSA-DAI
WSRF 2.0 and OGSA-DAI WSI 2.0 services.
Known Problems
Known problems are listed on the Known Problems page.
The main changes between this and the previous release are as follows:
Release 1.0
OGSA-DAI WSRF 1.0 is a WSRF-compliant version of OGSA-DAI and
runs upon Globus Toolkit 4.0. It is not compatible with Globus Toolkit 3.
The major features of OGSA-DAI WSRF 1.0 are as follows:
Access to data is provided via an OGSA-DAI
data service. For those already familiar with the OGSI version
of OGSA-DAI this service amalgamates the capabilities of the GDSF and
GDS services (the metadata and configuration roles of the GDSF and the
metadata and perform document processing aspects of the GDS).
Allows the exposure of multiple data service resources, where a data
service resource represents a data resource plus a
specification of the activities that can be performed on that
data resource.
Allows multiple data service resources to be accessed through a single
service. Data service resource identifiers, available from the data
service's WS-Addressing endpoint reference, allows a client to target
a specific data service resource.
A listResources() operation is
provided at a data service to list all the data service resource
identifiers available to that data service.
The data service resource identifiers returned by a data service can
subsequently be used by a client to obtain metadata, etc, about the
data service resources corresponding to that identifier.
Access to data service resource metadata (such as database schemas,
request status, supported activities etc) is provided by an
implementation of the WS-ResourceProperties
specification. In particular support for using the QueryResourceProperties,
and GetMultipleResourceProperties
portTypes is provided.
Access to version information about the OGSA-DAI Data Service is
available through the getVersion()
A WSRF version of the OGSA-DAI OGSIGridDataTransport portType, termed the
DataTransport portType supports
asynchronous data delivery between data services.
The following OGSA-DAI WSRF-specific changes have been made for
this release:
The following general OGSA-DAI changes have been made for
this release:
Core OGSA-DAI functionality (the engine and data resource connection
classes) has been abstracted out into a service-level independent
module. OGSA-DAI OGSI, WSI and WSRF share exactly the same core
code. Core OGSA-DAI functionality and activities are now
The namespaces of OGSA-DAI configuration, perform and response
documents have been completely changed:
Perform and response documents are now declared within the
Data resource and activity configuration documents and roleMap
documents are now declared within the
The deliverToStream activity now delivers to a
URL of form http://HOST:PORT/WEBAPP/servlet/DeliverToStreamServlet?url=http://HOST:PORT/WEBAPP/ogsadai/DataService&streamId=NAME
- gsh has been renamed to url.
Control flow constraints can now be expressed within perform
documents. This means you can ensure that one activity will not start
until another has completed e.g. ensuring that a new table is not
filled with data until it has been created.
Server-side exceptions outwith client control and authorisation
failures have been refactored. The problems are logged in detail
server-side and tagged with a unique ID. This ID, with a request to
contract the service deployer, is returned to the client.
All OGSA-DAI data services now provide a getVersion operation which returns the OGSA-DAI
flavour and version number.
GUI installation tools now allow required JARs to be selected via a
file browser.
GUI installation tools now render yes/no options as check boxes.
Bug Fixes
The following OGSA-DAI WSRF-specific bug fixes have been made for
this release:
The following general OGSA-DAI bug fixes have been made for
this release:
Client toolkit now raises an authorisation error if roleMapping fails
sqlQueryStatement activity can now retrieve
BLOB or IMAGE fields from databases.
GridFTP-related delivery activities have had their JavaDoc, and the
associated client toolkit JavaDoc revised to include details about how
security credentials are used.
WebRowSet processing code for SQL activities no longer has option to
make results human-readable.
Perform document schema property provided by OGSA-DAI service now
includes required import statements.
Response documents constructed in-code now meet the response document
XML Schema.
User doc front page now includes link to JavaDoc in binary
Errors in stringTokenizerActivity JavaDoc
have been corrected.
Various user doc revisions and corrections have been made.
GUI installation tools now no longer occasionally freeze.
Installation tools now no longer need to edit the Tomcat server
configuration file so problems with its location or format no longer
Other Issues
OGSA-DAI WSRF 1.0 does not support data service security.