The Java code below can be copied and pasted into a new file and used as a template for utilising an activity from within the OGSA-DAI Client Toolkit.
package my.package; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This is a template class that can be used for writing new client toolkit * activity. * * @author The OGSA-DAI Project Team */ public class ActivityTemplate extends Activity { // 1. Define instance fields for storing any configuration information // that will be passsed to the constructor and set methods. /** A required setting. */ private String mSettingA; /** Another required setting. */ private int mSettingB; /** An optional setting. */ private String mSettingC; // 2. Modify this constructor to register any inputs and/or outputs with the // superclass. The constructor should also have parameters to allow // any required configuration information to be specified. Multiple // constructors may be defined if necessary. /** * Constructs the activity. */ public ActivityTemplate(String settingA, int settingB) { addInput("DisplayNameForInput"); addOutput("DisplayNameForOutput"); mSettingA = settingA; mSettingB = settingB; } // 3. Define set methods for any optional configuration settings public void setSettingC(String setting) { if (setting == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must not be null"); } mSettingC = setting; } // 4. Define set methods for any inputs to the activity. // An example is provided suitable for an single input activity. // This should be removed if the activity does not have any inputs. /** * Connected the input of this activity to output of another activity. By * this mechanism, activities can be chained to one another. * * @param input * output from another activity * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the argument is null */ public final void setInput(final ActivityOutput input) { if (input == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must not be null"); } super.setInput(0, input.getName()); } // 5. Define get methods for accessing any outputs of the activity. These // outputs can be connected to the inputs of other activities to form // activity chains. /** * Gets the activity output. * * @return the activity output */ public ActivityOutput getOutput() { return getOutputs()[0]; } // 6. Define get methods for accessing any outputs generated by the activity // in a usable fasion. For example, the SQLQuery activity has a // getResultSet method that gets the output of the activity as a // java.sql.ResultSet rather than an XML string. /** * Gets something useful from the result data produced by the activity, if * there was any result data. * * @return something useful * @throws DataFormatException * if the result data is not in the expected format * @throws NoActivityOutputException * if there is no result data for this activity. */ public int getSomething() throws DataFormatException, NoActivityOutputException { int something = 0; ActivityOutput output = getOutputs()[0]; String outputData = output.getData(); try { Element element = XMLUtilities.xmlStringToDOM( outputData, false).getDocumentElement(); something = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("someAttribute")); } catch (XMLDocumentException e) { throw new DataFormatException(e); } catch (XMLParseException e) { throw new DataFormatException(e); } return something; } // 7. Modify the generateXML method to construct the XML that will be // embedded into a perform document for this activity. This usually // consists of appending element and attribute XML to a StringBuffer // and depends on the configuration information passed to the constructor // and set methods. /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ protected String generateXML() { final StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(); xml.append("<activityElement>\n"); // append activity input sub-element xml.append("<input from=\""); xml.append(getInputParameters()[0].getOutputName()); xml.append("\"/>\n"); // append activity configuration element(s) xml.append(" <settings a=\""); xml.append(mSettingA); xml.append("\" b=\""); xml.append(mSettingB); xml.append("\"/>\n"); // append optional activity configuration element if (mSettingC != null) { xml.append(" <optionalSetting>"); xml.append(mSettingC); xml.append("</optionalSetting>"); } // append activity output sub-element xml.append(" <output name=\""); xml.append(getOutputs()[0].getName()); xml.append("\"/>\n"); xml.append("</activityElement>"); return xml.toString(); } }
For further details it is recommended to download the OGSA-DAI source distribution and study the source code for the abstract OGSA-DAI/src/java/core/uk/org/ogsadai/client/toolkit/activity/ class.
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