How to Write a SQL Multiple Data Resource Configuration Document

To write a data resource configuration document for an SQL multiple data resource accessor:

  1. Copy the following XML document:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. Replace PATH with the path of the XSD file schema/ogsadai/xsd/multiple_data_resource_config.xsd" located on your server. For example this might be: file:///C:/zonk/tomcatAxis/webapps/axis/schema/ogsadai/xsd/multiple_data_resource_config.xsd
  3. Replace DAI-SERVICE-URL with the URL of the data service e.g. http://localhost:8080/axis/services/ogsadai/TestService.
  4. Replace DAI-DATA-SERVICE-RESOURCE with the name of the data service resource e.g. DataServiceResource.
  5. Replace DEFAULT-TIMEOUT with the default timeout in milliseconds in case no value is provided by a client e.g. 100000.
  6. Replace MAXIMUM-TIMEOUT with the maximum timeout in milliseconds in case the value provided by a client is greater than this e.g. 120000.
  7. Optionally, replace DAI-RESOURCE-DESCRIPTION with a description of the data service resource e.g. Local DB.
  8. Optionally, replace SCHEMA-RESOURCE-DESCRIPTION with a description of the database schema.
  9. Create and configure as many unitDataServiceConfig entries as there are data service resources that expose the desired relational databases.