JDBC Data Resource Configuration Document

Data resource configuration involves specifying information about a data resource including its location, its metadata and its driver classes. Configuration is done using a data resource configuration document.

Data resource configuration documents are written by OGSA-DAI service deployers.

A data resource configuration document includes information on the following:

For the remainder of this page we give an overview of the general format of the data resource configuration document used by a JDBC data resource accessor.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    This is an example data resource configuration document for a
    MySQL relational data resource.
  <!-- Metadata about the data resource -->
    <!-- This element and its contents are optional. -->
    <!-- Custom metadata -->
      <keyword> frogs <keyword>
      <keyword> genome <keyword>
  <!-- Data resource authorisation information - Role Map -->
  <roleMap name="Name"
  <!-- Manager of the connection to the DBMS -->
    <driver implementation="org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver">


Element dataResourceConfig:

XML Schema
