Activity Configuration Document
Activity configuration involves specifying information about
the activities that a service supports and a client can execute.
The activity configuration dictates the activities that can be
specified within a client's perform document or Client Toolkit
request. Configuration is achieved using an activity
configuration document.
An activity configuration document includes information on the
The location of the base perform document XML-Schema. The types in this
schema are extended by the activity XML-Schema types.
The activities that OGSA-DAI services configured with this document support,
- Names of the activities
- XML-Schema which define the activities
- Java classes implementing the activities
and in some cases:
- Configuration properties for the activities
- References to external configuration files for individual activities
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<activityConfiguration xmlns="">
This is an example activity configuration document.
<activity name="sqlQueryStatement"
<activity name="specialDelivery"
<property key="url" value="ftp://anon:anon@my.ftp.server"/>
<property key="maxBytes" value="10000"/>
<activity name="proteinToGeneTransformation"
Root element activityConfiguration contains:
Element documentation
(zero or more) - human-readable description of the activity configuration
Element basePerformDocumentSchema (required)
- defines the location of the base XML-Schema for perform documents.
Attribute location - URL to the base XML-Schema
for perform documents. This schema is extended by the XML-Schema for
each individual activity.
Element activityMap (zero or more)
- describes the activities that can be executed by an OGSA-DAI service
configured using this document.
Attribute schemaBase (optional) - URL for
the base directory containing the XML-Schemas for the individual
activities within the activity map. This allows relative paths to
be specified for the schemas of individual activities.
Attribute configBase (optional) - URL for
the base directory containing XML configuration files for the individual
activities within the activity map. This allows relative paths to
be specified for the individual configuation files of individual
Note that this attribute is only used when one or more of the activities
within the activity map make use of individual configuration files. In
the above example, the
proteinToGene activity makes use
of an individual configuration file.
Element activity (one or more) - describes an
activity that can be executed using an OGSA-DAI service configured with
this document.
Attribute name - the name of the activity.
This is used as the activity element name within perform documents.
Attribute implementation - the Java class
which provides the implementation of the activity. This class must
be contained on the service classpath.
Attribute schema - location of the XML-
that should be used to validate any occurences of this activity
encountered in a perform document. If the
attribute described above has been used then the location can be
using a relative path, otherwise an absolute URL should be used.
Attribute config (optional) - location
of an XML configuration file used to specify additional
information for the activity. This attribute is only required for
activities that make use of individual configuration files, such as
the proteinToGene activity in the
above example. If the configBase attribute
described above has been used then the location can be specified
a relative path, otherwise an absolute URL should be used.
Attribute property (0 or more) - properties to be used by the
activity. These are in the form of key-value pairs for activity
implementations that take simple, non-structured configurations. An
example is shown in the specialDelivery
activity above. Using properties is an alternative to the use of the
config option above.
XML Schema