Activity - sqlResilient
Activity Type: Relational Multi-resource
Return the results of the same query executed on a number of
relational data resources, each one of them being exposed by a
corresponding data service resource, from the first available data
<sqlResilient name="sqlOr">
<sqlStatement value="SELECT * FROM littleblackbook WHERE id=5"/>
<sqlResilientOutput name="sqlOutput"/>
Element sqlResilient:
- Attribute name
- unique name for the activity within the scope of a request.
- Element sqlStatement (required)
- define the SQL query to be sent to the data resources.
- Attribute value
- the SQL query command to be executed.
- Element timeout(optional)
- the amount
of time within the data resource should return
results. Should be a non-negative long number. The following
describes how the timeout will be defined:
- If the value provided is zero, then the timeout is
considered as unlimited.
- If
the value provided is greater than zero then then the timeout
considered as the minimum between the value provided and
the maximum
timeout defined in the associated SQL multiple data resource accessor
- If no value is provided, then the timeout is equal to the
default timeout defined in the associated SQL multiple data resource
- Element sqlResilientOutput
(required) - output
stream which produces the results of the SQL query. The output format
is a WebRowSet document.
- Attribute name
- name of
this output stream.
Input and Output Types
- Inputs: none
- Output: sqlResilientOutput
- java.lang.String in a WebRowSet format.
Data Resource Accessor
This activity is compatible with the
data resource accessor
XML Schema
Client Toolkit Class