The Client Toolkit Tutorial
These pages introduce the OGSA-DAI Client Toolkit, a Java API
that provides the basic building blocks for OGSA-DAI client
development. Using these APIs, a developer can construct
anything from a basic query client to a complex distributed data
integration client with relative ease. The Client Toolkit
minimises the specialist knowledge required to interact with OGSA-DAI
services and provides some protection from future changes to the
data service interfaces. It also operates transparently with OGSA-DAI
data services compliant with both WS-I and WSRF.
The main concept of the Client Toolkit is that of an
activity. An activity dictates an action that is to be performed by
a data service resource. OGSA-DAI provides many different types of
activity to perform operations such as SQL queries, XSL transformations
and FTP data delivery. The Client Toolkit provides a simple
mechanism for assembling requests describing multiple activities,
then submitting the request to data service resources for processing.
The steps involved in a typical interaction are summarised below:
- Locate a data service resource
- Construct a number of activities
- Chain them together and assemble an activity request
- Send the activity request to the data service resource for processing
- Interpret the results of the activities
The remainder of these pages consists of practical examples with
sample code. Starting with a basic query, the examples become
progressively more complex, ending up with a distributed query data
integration scenario.
Examples for using security on OGSA-DAI WSRF are contained in the section
WSRF (GT4) examples
at the bottom of this page.
A list of prerequisites
that should be satisfied before following the examples is below.
We assume that OGSA-DAI services are running on http://localhost:8080/.
MySQL and eXist test databases have been set up with the OGSA-DAI example
data - how to set up these databases is described on these pages.
The MySQL database can be accessed via:
- An OGSA-DAI WSRF service located at
http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services/ogsadai/DataService and
resource ID MySQLResource or
- An OGSA-DAI WSI service located at
http://localhost:8080/axis/services/ogsadai/DataService with
resource ID MySQLResource.
The eXist database can be accessed via:
- An OGSA-DAI WSRF service located at
http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services/ogsadai/DataService and
resource ID ExistResource or
- An OGSA-DAI WSI service located at
http://localhost:8080/axis/services/ogsadai/DataService with
resource ID ExistResource.
How to Compile and Run the Examples
We provide an ANT file build-examples.xml
which allows you to build and run the examples:
Running the following compiles all the classes within OGSA-DAI/examples/src to
$ ant -f build-examples.xml compileExamples
Running the following compiles all the classes within OGSA-DAI/examples/src and JARs these into
$ ant -f build-examples.xml jarExamples
Running the following runs an example:
$ ant -f build-examples.xml runClient -Ddai.class=your.Class
So, for example to run the simple example you'd use:
ant -f build-examples.xml runClient \
For Advanced Users - the CLASSPATH
If you are an advanced user and like using the CLASSPATH then you need to ensure you have
the following in your CLASSPATH:
- OGSA-DAI/build/examples
- Every JAR in OGSA-DAI/lib/
- Every JAR in OGSA-DAI/thirdparty/
If communicating with OGSA-DAI WSRF services (whether using OGSA-DAI
WSRF or OGSA-DAI WSI) you will also need to ensure that the file
client-config.wsdd is in a directory that is in the CLASSPATH:
- In OGSA-DAI WSRF this file is in OGSA-DAI (the root directory of the distribution).
- In OGSA-DAI WSI this file is in OGSA-DAI/skeletons.
The following pages contain:
- A Simple Example
- The Basics
- Locating a data service
- Listing data resources and setting the resource ID
- Performing Queries
- Performing a basic SQL query
- Performing a sequence of queries
- Performing a parameterised SQL query repeatedly
- Performing an XPath Query on a XML database
- Processing Results
- Obtaining activity output from an SQL Query
- Obtaining activity output from an XPath Query
- Updates and Bulk Load
- Updating an XML Database
- Updating a Relational Database
- Bulk loading Data into a Table
- Control Flow
- Request Components
- Flow Control
- Sequence Control
- Obtaining Meta Data
- The Version of a Service
- Listing Data Resources
- Supported Activities and Activity Meta Data
- Product Information of a Data Resource
- Accessing Data Service and Resource Properties
- Transforming Data
- XSL Transformations
- ZIP and GZIP Compression
Using Sessions
Joining an implicit session
Creating a new session
Joining an existing session
Terminating a session
Asynchronous Requests
- Processing an asynchronous request
- Monitoring the request status
- Polling the request status
Asynchronous Delivery
- Delivering data to and from a URL
- Delivering data to and from a File
- Delivering data to and from a GridFTP location
- Pulling data from a session stream to a client
- Pushing data from a client to a session stream
- Pulling data between data service resources
- Pushing data between data service resources
- Data Integration
See the full list of Client
Toolkit Examples.
WSRF (GT4) Platform-Specific Examples
These are examples that are only applicable for the WSRF (GT4) version of OGSA-DAI.