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System Data Structure

The OCST stores all dynamic systems in a single data structure format that can represent continuous systems discrete-systems and mixed (hybrid) systems in state-space form, and can also represent purely continuous/discrete systems in either transfer function or pole-zero form. In order to provide more flexibility in treatment of discrete/hybrid systems the OCST also keeps a record of which system outputs are sampled.

Octave structures are accessed with a syntax much like that used by the C programming language. For consistency in use of the data structure used in the OCST it is recommended that the system structure access m-files be used (see sysinterface). Some elements of the data structure are absent depending on the internal system representation(s) used. More than one system representation can be used for SISO systems; the OCST m-files ensure that all representations used are consistent with one another.

sysrepdemo Function File
Tutorial for the use of the system data structure functions.