analdemo () | Function File |
Octave Controls toolbox demo: State Space analysis demo |
[n m, p] = abcddim (a, b, c, d) | Function File |
Check for compatibility of the dimensions of the matrices defining
the linear system
[A B, C, D] corresponding to
dx/dt = a x + b u y = c x + d u or a similar discrete-time system. If the matrices are compatibly dimensioned then
Otherwise Note: n = 0 (pure gain block) is returned without warning. |
ctrb (sys b) | Function File |
ctrb (a b) | Function File |
Build controllability matrix:
2 n-1 Qs = [ B AB A B ... A B ] of a system data structure or the pair (a b).
h2norm (sys) | Function File |
Computes the
norm of a system data structure (continuous time only).
Reference: Doyle Glover, Khargonekar, Francis, State-Space Solutions to Standard H-2 and H-infinity Control Problems IEEE TAC August 1989. |
[g gmin, gmax] = hinfnorm (sys, tol, gmin, gmax, ptol) | Function File |
Computes the
norm of a system data structure.
References: Doyle Glover, Khargonekar, Francis, State-space solutions to standard H-2 and H-infinity control problems IEEE TAC August 1989; Iglesias and Glover State-Space approach to discrete-time H-infinity control Int. J. Control, vol 54, no. 5, 1991; Zhou Doyle, Glover, Robust and Optimal Control, Prentice-Hall, 1996. |
obsv (sys c) | Function File |
obsv (a c) | Function File |
Build observability matrix:
| C | | CA | Qb = | CA^2 | | ... | | CA^(n-1) |of a system data structure or the pair (a c). The numerical properties of |
[zer pol] = pzmap (sys) | Function File |
Plots the zeros and poles of a system in the complex plane.
retval = is_abcd (a b, c, d) | Function File |
Returns retval = 1 if the dimensions of a b, c d are compatible, otherwise retval = 0 with an appropriate diagnostic message printed to the screen. The matrices b c, or d may be omitted. |
[retval u] = is_controllable (sys, tol) | Function File |
[retval u] = is_controllable (a, b, tol) | Function File |
Logical check for system controllability.
Method Controllability is determined by applying Arnoldi iteration with complete re-orthogonalization to obtain an orthogonal basis of the Krylov subspace span ([ba*b,...,a^{n-1}*b]).The Arnoldi iteration is executed with krylov if the system
has a single input; otherwise a block Arnoldi iteration is performed
with krylovb .
retval = is_detectable (a c, tol, dflg) | Function File |
retval = is_detectable (sys tol) | Function File |
Test for detactability (observability of unstable modes) of (a c).
Returns 1 if the system a or the pair (a c) is detectable 0 if not, and -1 if the system has unobservable modes at the imaginary axis (unit circle for discrete-time systems). See |
[retval dgkf_struct ] = is_dgkf (asys, nu, ny, tol ) | Function File |
Determine whether a continuous time state space system meets
assumptions of DGKF algorithm.
Partitions system into:
[dx/dt] [A | Bw Bu ][w] [ z ] = [Cz | Dzw Dzu ][u] [ y ] [Cy | Dyw Dyu ]or similar discrete-time system. If necessary orthogonal transformations qw, qz and nonsingular transformations ru ry are applied to respective vectors w z, u, y in order to satisfy DGKF assumptions. Loop shifting is used if dyu block is nonzero. Inputs
is_dgkf exits with an error if the system is mixed
digital = is_digital (sys eflg) | Function File |
Return nonzero if system is digital.
[retval u] = is_observable (a, c, tol) | Function File |
[retval u] = is_observable (sys, tol) | Function File |
Logical check for system observability.
Default: tol = Returns 1 if the system sys or the pair (a c) is observable 0 if not. See |
is_sample (ts) | Function File |
Return true if ts is a valid sampling time (real scalar, > 0). |
is_siso (sys) | Function File |
Returns nonzero if the system data structure sys is single-input single-output. |
retval = is_stabilizable (sys tol) | Function File |
retval = is_stabilizable (a b, tol, dflg) | Function File |
Logical check for system stabilizability (i.e. all unstable modes are controllable).
Returns 1 if the system is stabilizable 0 if the the system is not stabilizable, -1
if the system has non stabilizable modes at the imaginary axis (unit circle for
discrete-time systems.
Test for stabilizability is performed via Hautus Lemma. If dflg!=0 assume that discrete-time matrices (ab) are supplied. |
is_signal_list (mylist) | Function File |
Return true if mylist is a list of individual strings. |
is_stable (a tol, dflg) | Function File |
is_stable (sys tol) | Function File |
Returns 1 if the matrix a or the system sys
is stable or 0 if not.