frdemo () | Function File |
Octave Control Toolbox demo: Frequency Response demo. |
[mag phase, w] = bode (sys, w, out_idx, in_idx) | Function File |
If no output arguments are given: produce Bode plots of a system; otherwise
compute the frequency response of a system data structure
[wmin wmax] = bode_bounds (zer, pol, dflg, tsam) | Function File |
Get default range of frequencies based on cutoff frequencies of system
poles and zeros.
Frequency range is the interval
[10^wmin 10^wmax]
Used internally in |
freqchkw (w) | Function File |
Used by __freqresp__ to check that input frequency vector w
is valid.
Returns boolean value.
out = ltifr (a b, w) | Function File |
out = ltifr (sys w) | Function File |
Linear time invariant frequency response of single-input systems.
-1 G(s) = (jw I-A) Bfor complex frequencies s = jw. |
[realp imagp, w] = nyquist (sys, w, out_idx, in_idx, atol) | Function File |
nyquist (sys w, out_idx, in_idx, atol) | Function File |
Produce Nyquist plots of a system; if no output arguments are given Nyquist
plot is printed to the screen.
Compute the frequency response of a system. Inputs (pass as empty to get default values)
If no output arguments are given nyquist plots the results to the screen. If atol != 0 and asymptotes are detected then the user is asked interactively if they wish to zoom in (remove asymptotes) Descriptive labels are automatically placed. Note: if the requested plot is for an MIMO system a warning message is presented; the returned information is of the magnitude ||G(jw)|| or ||G(exp(jwT))|| only; phase information is not computed. |
[zer gain] = tzero (a, b, c, d, opt) | Function File |
[zer gain] = tzero (sys, opt) | Function File |
Compute transmission zeros of a continuous system:
. x = Ax + Bu y = Cx + Duor of a discrete one: x(k+1) = A x(k) + B u(k) y(k) = C x(k) + D u(k) Outputs
zr = tzero2 (a b, c, d, bal) | Function File |
Compute the transmission zeros of a b, c, d.
bal = balancing option (see balance); default is Needs to incorporate |