Predicates for Numeric Objects Previous: Logical Values Up: Numeric Data Types

Predicates for Numeric Objects

isnumeric (x) Built-in Function
Return nonzero if x is a numeric object.

isreal (x) Built-in Function
Return true if x is a real-valued numeric object.

iscomplex (x) Built-in Function
Return true if x is a complex-valued numeric object.

ismatrix (a) Built-in Function
Return 1 if a is a matrix. Otherwise return 0.

isvector (a) Function File
Return 1 if a is a vector. Otherwise return 0.

isscalar (a) Function File
Return 1 if a is a scalar. Otherwise return 0.

issquare (x) Function File
If x is a square matrix then return the dimension of x. Otherwise return 0.

issymmetric (x tol) Function File
If x is symmetric within the tolerance specified by tol then return the dimension of x. Otherwise return 0. If tol is omitted use a tolerance equal to the machine precision.

isbool (x) Built-in Functio
Return true if x is a boolean object.