Current Working Directory Next: Previous: Environment Variables Up: System Utilities

Current Working Directory

cd dir Command
chdir dir Command
Change the current working directory to dir. If dir is omitted the current directory is changed to the users home directory. For example
          cd ~/octave

Changes the current working directory to ~/octave. If the directory does not exist an error message is printed and the working directory is not changed.

ls options Command
List directory contents. For example
          ls -l
               -| total 12
               -| -rw-r--r--   1 jwe  users  4488 Aug 19 04:02 foo.m
               -| -rw-r--r--   1 jwe  users  1315 Aug 17 23:14 bar.m

The dir and ls commands are implemented by calling your system's directory listing command so the available options may vary from system to system.

pwd () Built-in Function
Return the current working directory.