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Virtual Laboratory for e-Science - the Proof-of-Concept Environment

What is the VL-e Proof of Concept Environment

The Proof-of-Concept Environment (PoC) is the shared, common environment for e-Science of the Virtual Laboratory for e-Science. In the PoC, the different tools and services used by and provided by the project are available, and bound together in a service oriented approach. The PoC covers three distinct areas:
  • A software Distribution, to be installed by any-one in VL-e interested in participating in the PoC
  • A PoC Environment, the ensemble of systems that run the current PoC Distribution
  • The PoC Central Facilities, those systems running the PoC Distribution that are centrally managed by the Scaling and Validation Programme on behalf of the Project

The PoC is managed by the VL-e Integration Team (VLeIT). Its mandate defines the composition of the team and the desired PoC architecture.


The PoC Central Facilities consist of a wide variety of resources and access points, including large compute clusters, and storage space in near-line tape storage, all accessible via grid and data management tools. Also contained in the PoC are various other application services like databases, and of course local user interface systems.

Training and dissemination

Regular tutorials and workshops are organised to spread knowledge on the infrastructure and to make developers and users acquainted with new technological developments.

Grid tutorial
Slides and documentation from the grid tutorials are available from the event web site.

BiG Grid
BiG Grid, the Dutch e-Science Grid, is the production oriented infrastructure for e-science and research in the Netherlands. The VL-e PoC Distribution and the interoperable software suite of the EGEE project are available on BiG Grid core resources to support the applications.
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The VL-e web site
The VL-e website contains documents and information on the sub programmes within VL-e.
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Comments to David Groep.