"Maurice Bouwhuis", email=>"grid.support@sara.nl")); ?>


With the release of VL-e Proof of Concept distribution version 1 the supported SRB server and client version is 3.4.0

SRB Getting an account

Mail grid.support@sara.nl stating your name, affiliation, e-mail address, certificate subject and preferred user name.

Accessing SRB

Unix command line tools S-commands

You can download an RPM with the SRB client software from latest VL-e PoC distribution.

Alternatively, you can also download a tar ball which contains the same S-commands as found in the SRB RPM above. To use this tarball:
The configuration files
The S-commands are installed on the Gina cluster as part of the VL-e PoC. For them to work you need to install a configuration file, and load a module. The module is loaded with :
module load srb
Create the configuration file ${HOME}/.srb/.MdasEnv with the contents
mdasCollectionName '/VLENL/home/YOUR-SRB-USERNAME.vlenl'
mdasCollectionHome '/VLENL/home/YOUR-SRB-USERNAME.vlenl'
mdasDomainName 'vlenl'
mdasDomainHome 'vlenl'
srbHost 'srb.grid.sara.nl'
mcatZone 'VLENL'
srbPort '50000'
defaultResource 'vleGridStore'
SERVER_DN '/O=dutchgrid/O=hosts/OU=sara.nl/CN=srb.grid.sara.nl'

Windows User Interface InQ

Get the Windows user interface to SRB : inQ331b.zip Unpack the the zip file and start the executable. Fill in the login screen as shown below. InQ does not accept X509 certificates so you will have to log in with the normal password.

SRB login

Web interface mySRB

The Web Interface is located at https://srb.grid.sara.nl:50099/mySRB/ The webinterface does not use certificates so you will have to use the normal password. Fill in the login screen as shown below.

SRB weblogin

Java api to SRB : jargon

The jars needed to access SRB 3.4.0 can be found in the Proof-of-Concept repository

NOTE these jars only work with java 1.4

Some basic SRB commands

If you have the commands installed, more information is available by typing for instance man Spwd
Sinit Start up an SRB session. If you are using GSI_AUTH then you need to have a valid proxy (i.e. run grid-proxy-init).
Sexit End the current session
Spwd List the current collection (analogous to a directory) in SRB space
Scd Change the current collection in SRB space
Sls List the files and collections in SRB space
Sget Transfer a file from SRB space to the local file system
Sput Transfer a file from the local file system to SRB space

Further information

Storage Resource Broker http://www.sdsc.edu/srb/
InQ windows interface to SRB http://www.sdsc.edu/srb/index.php/InQ
mySRB web interface to SRB http://www.sdsc.edu/srb/mySRB/mySRB.html
Jargon: Java API to SRB http://www.sdsc.edu/srb/index.php/Jargon

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