"VL-e Proof-of-Concept Distribution", owner=>"Jan Just Keijser", email=>"janjust@nikhef.nl", footer=>"Comments to Dennis van Dok or Jan Just Keijser.")); ?> vl-e

Virtual Laboratory for e-Science
VMware Player Installation Instructions (Windows)

VMware Player Software

The VL-e PoC Software is also available as a VMware image. This VMware image can be used on any PC on which the free VMware Player is installed (or any of the non-free VMware products).
Versions for both Linux and Microsoft Windows of the VMware Player are available.

After downloading the file launch the installation wizard:

Click on "Next" and accept the EULA. Select the destiniation folder in which to install the VMware Player software:

and click on "Next" again. Select where to install shortcuts for the VMware Player:

and click on "Next" again. On the next screen, it is recommended to NOT install the Google search bar due to unclear privacy issues at this time:

and click on "Next". You are now ready to begin the installation process

which actually takes a surprisingly long time.
Once you see the screen

then installation has completed and you are now ready to proceed with
installing the VL-e PoC Release 1.0 VMware image files.


VMware, the VMware "boxes" logo, GSX Server, ESX Server, Virtual SMP, VMotion and VMware ACE are trademarks (the "Marks") of VMware, Inc.

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