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00001 /*=========================================================================
00003   Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
00004   Module:    $RCSfile: itkVariableLengthVector.h,v $
00005   Language:  C++
00006   Date:      $Date: 2005/09/22 13:06:14 $
00007   Version:   $Revision: 1.4 $
00009   Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
00010   See ITKCopyright.txt or for details.
00012      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
00013      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
00014      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
00016 =========================================================================*/
00017 #ifndef __itkVariableLengthVector_h
00018 #define __itkVariableLengthVector_h
00020 #include "itkMacro.h"
00022 namespace itk
00023 {
00066 template <typename TValueType >
00067 class VariableLengthVector
00068 {
00069 public:
00072   typedef TValueType           ValueType;
00073   typedef TValueType           ComponentType;
00074   typedef VariableLengthVector Self;
00077   typedef unsigned int ElementIdentifier;
00081   VariableLengthVector(); 
00084   VariableLengthVector(unsigned int dimension);
00092   VariableLengthVector( ValueType* data, unsigned int sz, 
00093                                         bool LetArrayManageMemory = false);
00101   VariableLengthVector( const ValueType* data, unsigned int sz, 
00102                                         bool LetArrayManageMemory = false);
00114   template< class T >
00115   VariableLengthVector(const VariableLengthVector< T > & v)
00116     {
00117     m_NumElements = v.Size();
00118     m_Data = this->AllocateElements(m_NumElements);
00119     m_LetArrayManageMemory = true;
00120     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< v.Size(); i++ )
00121       {
00122       this->m_Data[i] = static_cast< ValueType >( v[i] );
00123       }
00124     }
00128   VariableLengthVector(const VariableLengthVector< TValueType > & v);
00131   void Fill (TValueType const& v); 
00134   template< class T >
00135   const VariableLengthVector< TValueType > & operator= 
00136                           (const VariableLengthVector< T > & v)
00137     {
00138     if( m_Data == static_cast< void * >(const_cast< T * >
00139               ((const_cast< VariableLengthVector< T > & >(v)).GetDataPointer())) )
00140       {
00141       return *this;
00142       }
00143     this->SetSize( v.Size() );
00144     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< v.Size(); i++ )
00145       {
00146       this->m_Data[i] = static_cast< ValueType >( v[i] );
00147       }
00148     return *this;
00149     }
00152   const Self & operator=(const Self & v);
00155   inline unsigned int Size (void ) const 
00156       { return m_NumElements; }
00157   inline unsigned int GetNumberOfElements(void) const 
00158       { return m_NumElements; }
00161   TValueType       & operator[](unsigned int i) { return this->m_Data[i]; }
00163   TValueType const & operator[](unsigned int i) const { return this->m_Data[i]; }
00166   inline const TValueType & GetElement( unsigned int i ) const
00167     { return m_Data[i]; }
00170   void SetElement( unsigned int i, const TValueType & value )
00171     { m_Data[i] = value; }
00183   void SetSize(unsigned int sz, bool destroyExistingData=true);
00184   inline unsigned int GetSize(void) const 
00185       { return m_NumElements; }
00192   void SetData(TValueType* data,bool LetArrayManageMemory = false);
00203   void SetData(TValueType* data, unsigned int sz, bool LetArrayManageMemory = false);
00208   ~VariableLengthVector();
00217   void Reserve( ElementIdentifier );
00220   TValueType * AllocateElements( ElementIdentifier size ) const;
00222   const TValueType* GetDataPointer() { return m_Data; }
00228   template< class T > 
00229   inline Self operator+(const VariableLengthVector< T > &v) const
00230     {
00231     // if( m_NumElements != v.GetSize() ) 
00232     //   { 
00233     //   itkGenericExceptionMacro( << "Cannot add VariableLengthVector of length " 
00234     //                             << m_NumElements " and " << v.GetSize() );
00235     //   }      
00236     const ElementIdentifier length = v.Size();
00237     Self result( length );
00238     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< length; i++ )
00239       {
00240       result[i] = (*this)[i] + static_cast< ValueType >( v[i] );
00241       }
00242     return result;
00243     }
00244   template< class T > 
00245   inline Self operator-(const VariableLengthVector< T > &v) const
00246     {
00247     // if( m_NumElements != v.GetSize() ) 
00248     //   { 
00249     //   itkGenericExceptionMacro( << "Cannot add VariableLengthVector of length " 
00250     //                             << m_NumElements " and " << v.GetSize() );
00251     //   }      
00252     const ElementIdentifier length = v.Size();
00253     Self result( length );
00254     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< length; i++ )
00255       {
00256       result[i] = (*this)[i] - static_cast< ValueType >( v[i] );
00257       }
00258     return result;
00259     }
00260   template< class T > inline Self operator*( T s ) const
00261     {
00262     Self result( m_NumElements );
00263     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00264       {
00265       result[i] = m_Data[i] * static_cast< ValueType >( s );
00266       }
00267     return result;
00268     }
00269   template< class T > inline Self operator/( T s ) const
00270     {
00271     Self result( m_NumElements );
00272     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00273       {
00274       result[i] = m_Data[i] / (static_cast< ValueType >( s ));
00275       }
00276     return result;
00277     }
00278   inline Self operator+( TValueType s ) const
00279     {
00280     Self result( m_NumElements );
00281     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00282       {
00283       result[i] = m_Data[i] + s;
00284       }
00285     return result;
00286     }
00287   inline Self operator-( TValueType s ) const
00288     {
00289     Self result( m_NumElements );
00290     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00291       {
00292       result[i] = m_Data[i] - s;
00293       }
00294     return result;
00295     }
00296   inline Self& operator--()
00297     {
00298     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00299       {
00300       this->m_Data[i] -= static_cast< ValueType >( 1.0 );
00301       }
00302     return *this;
00303     }
00304   inline Self& operator++() // prefix operator ++v;
00305     {
00306     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00307       {
00308       this->m_Data[i] += static_cast< ValueType >( 1.0 );
00309       }
00310     return *this;
00311     }
00312   inline Self& operator--(int)
00313     {
00314     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00315       {
00316       this->m_Data[i] -= static_cast< ValueType >( 1.0 );
00317       }
00318     return *this;
00319     }
00320   inline Self& operator++(int) // postfix operator v++;
00321     {
00322     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00323       {
00324       this->m_Data[i] += static_cast< ValueType >( 1.0 );
00325       }
00326     return *this;
00327     }
00328    template< class T > inline Self& operator-=
00329                   ( const VariableLengthVector< T > &v )
00330     {
00331     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00332       {
00333       m_Data[i] -= static_cast< ValueType >( v[i] );
00334       }
00335     return *this;
00336     }
00337   inline Self& operator-=( TValueType s )
00338     {
00339     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00340       {
00341       m_Data[i] -= s ;
00342       }
00343     return *this;
00344     }
00345   template< class T > inline Self& operator+=
00346                   ( const VariableLengthVector< T > &v )
00347     {
00348     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00349       {
00350       m_Data[i] += static_cast< ValueType >( v[i] );
00351       }
00352     return *this;
00353     }
00354   inline Self& operator+=( TValueType s )
00355     {
00356     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00357       {
00358       m_Data[i] += s;
00359       }
00360     return *this;
00361     }
00362   template< class T > inline Self& operator*=( T s )
00363     {
00364     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00365       {
00366       m_Data[i] *= (static_cast< ValueType >( s ));
00367       }
00368     return *this;
00369     }
00370   template< class T > inline Self& operator/=( T s )
00371     {
00372     for( ElementIdentifier i=0; i< m_NumElements; i++ )
00373       {
00374       m_Data[i] /= (static_cast< ValueType >( s ));
00375       }
00376     return *this;
00377     }
00378   Self & operator- (); // negation operator
00379   bool operator==( const Self &v) const;
00380   bool operator!=( const Self &v) const;
00384 private:
00386   bool m_LetArrayManageMemory; // if true, the array is responsible for memory 
00387                                // of data
00388   TValueType *m_Data; // Array to hold data
00389   ElementIdentifier m_NumElements;
00390 };
00394 template <typename TValueType >
00395 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const VariableLengthVector<TValueType> &arr)
00396 {
00397   const unsigned int length = arr.Size();
00398   const signed int last   = (unsigned int) length - 1;
00400   os << "[";
00401   for (signed int i=0; i < last; ++i)
00402     {
00403     os << arr[i] << ", ";
00404     }
00405   if (length >= 1)
00406     {
00407     os << arr[last];
00408     }
00409   os << "]";
00410   return os;
00411 }
00413 } // namespace itk
00417 #include "itkVariableLengthVector.txx"
00418 #endif
00420 #endif

Generated at Thu May 25 00:10:46 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000