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Level Set-Based Segmentation Filters
[Model-Based Image Segmentation Filters]


class  AuxVarTypeDefault
 Level set auxiliary variables type information. AuxVarTypeDefault is a simple class that holds type information for auxiliary variables in some level set algorithms. This class is templated over the auxiliary variable data type, the number of auxiliary variables and the level set dimension. More...

class  CurvesLevelSetImageFilter
 Segments structures in images based on user supplied edge potential map. More...

class  ExtensionVelocitiesImageFilter
 Extend velocities smoothly from a particular level set. More...

class  FastMarchingExtensionImageFilter
 Extend auxiliary variables smoothly using Fast Marching. More...

class  FastMarchingImageFilter
 Solve an Eikonal equation using Fast Marching. More...

class  FiniteDifferenceImageFilter
class  GeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter
 Segments structures in images based on a user supplied edge potential map. More...

class  GeodesicActiveContourShapePriorLevelSetImageFilter
 Segments structures in an image based on a user supplied edge potential map and user supplied shape model. More...

class  IsoContourDistanceImageFilter
 Compute an approximate distance from an interpolated isocontour to the close grid points. More...

class  LevelSetNeighborhoodExtractor
 Locate pixels of a particular level set. More...

class  LevelSetNode
 Represent a node in a level set. More...

class  LevelSetTypeDefault
 Level set type information. More...

class  LevelSetVelocityNeighborhoodExtractor
 Locate pixels of a particular level set. More...

class  NarrowBandCurvesLevelSetImageFilter
 Segments structures in images based on user supplied edge potential map. More...

class  ReinitializeLevelSetImageFilter
 Reinitialize the level set to the signed distance function. More...

class  ShapeDetectionLevelSetImageFilter
 Segments structures in images based on a user supplied edge potential map. More...

Detailed Description

These algorithms represent models implicitly using level-sets and update the models based on image features. Examples of these types of segmentation methods in ITK include: curvature flow-based filters, fast marching filters, and shape-detection filters.
Generated at Thu May 25 00:19:34 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000