Windows XP
We recommend having at least 1GB RAM and not using older Windows
operating systems than XP. We suggest that you run the FEEDS
evaluation suite before starting to do your own analyses.
FSL will run under Windows XP once you have installed a free
package called Cygwin, which is a unix-like environment running inside
Windows. Programs that run under Cygwin are real native Windows
programs but typically run within the unix-like directory structure
that lives in C:\cygwin, which is accessible to all Windows
programs. Please note that we cannot offer any support relating to the
installation or running of Cygwin!
Cygwin is extremely easy to install:
- Go to the Cygwin website.
- Click on the "Install Cygwin now" button in the top right. Accept
all default options as they appear.
- Press "Run from current location".
- Press "Install from internet".
- Choose a download site.
- Once the list of packages appears, next to "All" there is the word
"Default". Click once on the word "Default" and may take several minutes to change all the "Default"
settings to "Install". This then means that you get all packages, and
not just the default ones. Then press "Next" and wait whilst all of
Cygwin installs....this may take an hour or more.
- The install process probably put a temporary ftp directory of all
the installed stuff onto your desktop - you can delete that now.
You now have Cygwin installed and should have a Cygwin icon on the
desktop which opens a unix-like shell where you can type commands. You
are now ready to install FSL:
- Assuming that you have downloaded the FSL distribution file onto
your desktop, use Windows Explorer to move this file into
- In the Cygwin terminal:
- cd /usr/local
- tar xvfz fsl-*.tar.gz
- echo 'export FSLDIR=/usr/local/fsl; . ${FSLDIR}/etc/fslconf/; export PATH=${FSLDIR}/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
- Now close the terminal. Again using Windows Explorer, move
file C:\cygwin\usr\local\fsl\FSL.lnk onto your Desktop - this should
give you a new icon which starts the FSL GUI.