The following people have contributed to the development of FSL: Peter Bannister, Christian Beckmann, Timothy Behrens, Stuart Clare, Marilena De Luca, Ivana Drobnjak, David Flitney, Peter Hansen, Mark Jenkinson, Heidi Johansen-Berg, Didier Leibovici, Duncan Mortimer, Rami Niazy, Tom Nichols, James Saunders, Steve Smith, John Vickers, Mark Woolrich, Yongyue Zhang.
We are also grateful to the following people for very useful collaborations: Andreas Bartsch, Mike Brady, Jacqueline Chen, Mark Cohen, Louis Collins, Nicola De Stefano, Alan Evans, Doug Greve, Mark Griffin, Peter Jezzard, Donna Lloyd, Jonathan Marchini, Paul Matthews, Karla Miller, Alison Noble, Bruce Pike, Brian Ripley, Andy Stenger, Irene Tracey, Liqun Wang, Richard Wise and the FMRIB Physics, Pain and Disease Groups.
FMRIB is largely supported by the UK Medical Research Council. Financial support is also gratefully received from EPSRC and GSK.
FSL includes the following third party freeware, for which we are very grateful: Boost, Cephes, GD, GDCHART, Gifmerge, Gnuplot, ImageMagick, libpng, Newmat, Sphere tesselation, Tcl/Tk/Tix and Qt, Qwt, zlib. In order to view the licensing documentation associated with these packages, look in the appropriate fsl/src or fsl/doc/freeware directory.